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Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3

2 Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill

3 a aapple/a/

4 e e Ed /e/

5 i iitch /i/

6 o ooctopus /o/

7 u uup /u/

8 b b bat /b/

9 c c cat /k/

10 d d dog /d/

11 f f fun/f/

12 g g game/g/

13 h h hat /h/

14 j j jug /j/

15 k k kite /k/

16 l llamp /l/

17 m m man /m/

18 n n nut /n/

19 p p pan /p/

20 r r rat /r/

21 s ssnake/s/

22 t t top /t/

23 v v van /v/

24 w w wind/w/

25 x x fox /ks/

26 y yyellow/y/

27 z zzebra/z/

28 qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well. Chicken Letter

29 digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.

30 th ththumb/th/

31 ch ch chin /ch/

32 sh sh ship/sh/

33 wh wh whistle /w/

34 ck ck sock /k/

35 Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading

36 Tapping Letters are blended to form words. mta Say sounds separately, then blend them together. Tap thumb to finger over each sound card while saying the sound. Digraphs get one tap.

37 Practice Tapping mpo

38 rcko

39 Practice Tapping dto

40 Tde

41 wbe

42 mchu

43 Part 3 Wordcards

44 rig

45 rim

46 chat

47 kit

48 shim

49 rut

50 gap

51 gab

52 wit

53 shun

54 shock

55 thug

56 chuck

57 hush

58 dock

59 sut nonsense word

60 zat nonsense word

61 dem nonsense word

62 lix nonsense word

63 jeb nonsense word

64 gad nonsense word

65 dex nonsense word

66 fap nonsense word

67 wog nonsense word

68 lub nonsense word

69 tup nonsense word

70 zib nonsense word

71 quim nonsense word

72 sep nonsense word

73 bish nonsense word

74 Part 4 Wordlist Reading (get books)

75 Part 5 Sentence Reading

76 Tim hid the cat.

77 The fish is hot.

78 Tim has the mop and the rag.

79 Tom got the big job.

80 Tim had a nap.

81 Bob has a cut on his lip.

82 Beth had a wig and a hat.

83 Ted met Bev at the shop.

84 A big moth is in the pot.

85 Did Rick hop on that bus?

86 Jack did a jig on the rug.

87 Mom got the tot a bib.

88 Did Tom nab the fish?

89 Tim had a sip of pop.

90 Did the dog nip Pat?

91 Beth had to get the bus.

92 Ted got in the tub and had a bath.

93 Bob led the dog to the dish.

94 Did Tom get the job at the sub shop?

95 Dad did not get much cash for the job.

96 Did the vet dip the dog in the tick bath?

97 Tom will chop the logs in the back of the hut.

98 The fox got the hen in the pen.

99 Don got mud on his hot rod.

100 Chet is mad at Beth.

101 Part 6 Quick Drill (in reverse – use Cookie Sheets)

102 abcdef hijklg mnop qu rs tuvwxyz shthch wh ck

103 Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling

104 c, k, ck all say /k/ At the end of a the word, after the short vowel, the ck should be used. Duck Muck Sock Luck Lick Tick Tock

105 Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences

106 Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading

107 Part 10 Listening Comprehension

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