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OpenView and Network Node Manager Fundamentals. [vpo_nnm_fund] 2 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals A Network Management Protocol – SNMP Simple Network Management.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenView and Network Node Manager Fundamentals. [vpo_nnm_fund] 2 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals A Network Management Protocol – SNMP Simple Network Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenView and Network Node Manager Fundamentals

2 [vpo_nnm_fund] 2 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals A Network Management Protocol – SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Management Station SNMP Agent Status and Configuration Information Managed Node SNMP Services

3 [vpo_nnm_fund] 3 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals The Management Information Base root (world) 0 ccitt1 iso 2 join-iso-ccitt 0 std 1 reg authority 2 member body 3 org 6 dod 1 internet 1 directory 2 mgmt mib-2 1 interfaces at ip icmp tcp udp egp transmission snmp experimental 3 private 4 system

4 [vpo_nnm_fund] 4 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals The Basic Components of NNM NNM Local System NNM User Interfaces Web Launcher Web Browser NNM Databases Remote System NNM Processes and Applications

5 [vpo_nnm_fund] 5 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals How NNM Works Foreground OpenView Database Background Processes (Services) Processes associated with a user’s interactive ovw session. Processes, started by ovstart, which monitor network nodes. Contains data stored and used by foreground and background NNM processes. Network

6 [vpo_nnm_fund] 6 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Starting NNM Services ovstart snmpCol.conf snmpCollect ovdbcheck ovrepld ovactiond pmdovwdbovtopmd netmon ovtrapd ovuispmd ovalarmsrv ovsessionmgr ovsuf ovaddobj LRF file ovspmd Binary Event Store Object Database Topology Database trapd.conf service,background process Configuration file application, foreground process database seed file ovsnmp.conf_db oid_to_type HPoid2type

7 [vpo_nnm_fund] 7 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals The OpenView Databases Object database. Contains general object information, including some object attributes and capabilities. Topology database. Contains specific topology information maintained and used by the IP network discovery and layout services. Map database. Contains map-specific information, such as submap customizations and symbol placement.

8 [vpo_nnm_fund] 8 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Basic NNM Windows

9 [vpo_nnm_fund] 9 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals The Submap Window Components Menu Bar Tool Bar Viewing Area Status Bar

10 [vpo_nnm_fund] 10 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Introduction to Maps and Submaps Submap Map Default Submap

11 [vpo_nnm_fund] 11 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals The IP Submap Hierarchy Root Internet Network Segment Node

12 [vpo_nnm_fund] 12 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Introduction to Objects and Symbols Real World Object Database Symbol

13 [vpo_nnm_fund] 13 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Accessing Object Descriptions

14 [vpo_nnm_fund] 14 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Capabilities and General Attributes Describe the object. Set by NNM during discovery. Capabilities cannot be changed. General attributes are rarely changed.

15 [vpo_nnm_fund] 15 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals IP Map Object Attributes IP-specific attributes Set and maintained by IP Map Vary with the object type

16 [vpo_nnm_fund] 16 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Locating an Object An object (corresponding symbols) may be located in the map via one of the following search methods: –By Selection Name –By Attribute –By Comment –By Symbol Status –By Symbol Type –By Symbol Label

17 [vpo_nnm_fund] 17 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Symbol Class and Subclass Symbol class –Groups related symbols –Defines a symbol’s geometric shape Symbol subclass –Corresponds to a symbol icon –Image displayed on a submap –Superimposed on class shape

18 [vpo_nnm_fund] 18 OpenView and NNM Fundamentals Status Examples IP Internet submap Compound Status is Warning B 42 A Interface to AInterface to B Network B submap Symbol Status is Normal 42 B Interface to B

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