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Best Practices in Succession Planning Jon Beck, CPIM, CSCP Brent Johnson, CSCP Frank O’Connor, CFPIM, CSCP.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices in Succession Planning Jon Beck, CPIM, CSCP Brent Johnson, CSCP Frank O’Connor, CFPIM, CSCP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices in Succession Planning Jon Beck, CPIM, CSCP Brent Johnson, CSCP Frank O’Connor, CFPIM, CSCP

2 Succession planning doesn’t just happen!  Term limits drive succession planning.  Recommended progression path.  Develop leaders.  Look for long term commitment that will benefit the chapter.  Does your chapter have a plan?  If not, where do you start? Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 2 Discussion Points


4 Portland’s Progression Path As Non-Binding recommendations to future officers it is strongly suggested that the following guidelines are followed:  APICS Portland Chapter recommended progression path:  Director  Executive Vice President  President It is preferred, but not mandated, that the candidate serves at least one year in each position. Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 4


6 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 6 Term limits drive succession planning Chapter bylaws stipulate term limits:  Term limits for all elected APICS Portland Chapter Officers (including the President) are two years.  It is the Policy of APICS Portland Chapter that the EBOD are elected for terms of one year and will not hold the same position for more than two consecutive years, without a majority vote of BOD.

7  After two years of elected service an officer can, however, hold another elected BOD or EBOD position for another maximum of two years. “President for Life”  This avoids the “President for Life” syndrome. Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 7 Term limits drive succession planning (cont’d)

8 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 8 Develop Leaders – Director  Identify potential future leaders and recruit into a Director’s role.  Certification is a strong preference.  Encourages future thinking  look for a 4-6 year commitment  Drives recruitment of “serious” volunteers.  This is the leadership path to the EBOD.  Director of Education is our preferred gateway to the EBOD.

9 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 9 Develop Leaders – Treasurer/Secretary  The qualifications for candidates running for Treasurer/Secretary are that they must have served at least one year on the BOD.  The Treasurer/Secretary must be a voting member in good standing.  We try to recruit individuals with a financial background whenever possible for this position.

10 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 10 Develop Leaders – Executive Vice President  The qualifications for candidates running for Executive VP are that they must have served at least one year on the BOD and preferably have followed the chapter progression path.  The Executive VP must be a voting member in good standing.  We want a candidate that will commit to the progression path.

11 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 11 Develop Leaders – President  The qualifications for candidates running for President are that they must have served at least two year on the BOD and preferably have followed the chapter progression path.  The President must be a voting member in good standing.  Make sure to have your succession plan worked out!

12 Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 12 Past President  Not an honorary title.  It is very much a working position.  Mentoring of current president and EVP.  Sounding board for ideas.  Continuum of chapter’s philosophy (and our Portland “keeping it weird” attitude).


14 Where to Start?  Chapter bylaws  Update to include term limits  Develop your own recommended progression path  Include it in your bylaws to give it emphasis and permanence  Identify potential leaders  Start with your current BOD Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 14

15  Interview potential candidates.  Look for breadth and depth of experience.  Encourage qualified but possibly “reticent” candidates.  After all, you don’t really want to be “President for Life,” do you? Don't Gamble with your Chapter's Future - Attend the VLW! 15 Where to Start (cont’d)?



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