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Social networks: facebook lianne lindeke charlie mayfield january 25, 2012 uwsmc.

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Presentation on theme: "Social networks: facebook lianne lindeke charlie mayfield january 25, 2012 uwsmc."— Presentation transcript:

1 social networks: facebook lianne lindeke charlie mayfield january 25, 2012 uwsmc

2 social networks: facebook lianne lindeke charlie mayfield january 25, 2012 uwsmc

3 people on facebook  more than 800 million active users o 150M fb us users o 80% fb users outside us  more than 50% of active users log on to facebook in any given day  average user has 130 friends  average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events

4 facebook worldwide over 50% share of social media sites (ComScore, November 2011)

5 mobile  more than 350 million active users - 45% - currently access facebook through mobile devices

6 fb “ member profile ” (for individuals’ fb page)

7 new member "timeline" profile

8 fb has 3 types of business “ fan pages ” – each has a little different setup and information  local businesses  a brand, product, or organization  a public figure, artist, band, etc.

9 use the “ like ” button to become a “fan”

10 all fan pages have some universal “ tab ” elements  wall  info  friend activity  photos  events  videos

11 “iframes” – embed external content on fb pages  static html content  coupons  youtube video  rss feed  twitter feed  flickr photo galleries

12 all sorts of fan page customizations possible  unique opening “landing page” §- design in fb or 3 rd party applications § - shortstack §

13 3rd party custom page creation - "shortstack"

14 some fan landing pages ask viewer to select the “like” button – “fan-gating”

15 fb advertising  inexpensive  very targeted to fb user demographics  highly trackable

16 fb ads

17 detailed measurement metrics  fb insights measures fans and interactions  3 rd party advanced analytics  webtrends  coremetrics  objective marketer

18 notable fb fan pages create “stopping power” § create fan engagement!! § gotta be a fan!!!

19 compelling fan pages

20 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

21 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

22 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

23 friend activity on selected fan page

24 purchase on fb

25 embedded videos

26 88% of Facebook users who join your fan page never return to the actual page A typical post reaches only about 17% of your fans A Facebook post typically lives for about 3 hours Comments are about 4x more valuable than Likes Facebook tracks everything to determine affinity Leveraging EdgeRank

27 “edgerank” § Facebook EdgeRank formula is Affinity x Weight x Time Decay. § Affinity x Weight x Time Decay  edgerank = affinity x weight x time decay Affinity X Weight X Time Decay

28  Example 1:  Your brand posts a message. One of your fans, with lots of friends.  1. Facebook scores "edges."  A. because the fan in the past, might have clicked on all your messages and been on your page numerous times, there is a high degree of affinity between you and the fan. For that reason, the affinity score might be 5.  B. There is a link in the post which may have weight score of 3.  C. The post is a day old, so let's say the age score is 2.  D. Total edge score is 5 * 3 * 2 = 30  E. There is only one edge, so the total object score is 30.  2. As the fan logs into FB, FB will score all posts in a similar way and put the top-scoring posts at the top of the feed and/or in "highlighted stories"  If your post, with a score of 30, is one of the top-scoring posts, you will show near the top of the fan's news feed.

29  Add another edge, Example 2:  The fan, from last example, makes a comment on your post. The fan's friend logs in. Will the friend see your post?  1. By making a comment, the fan added an edge to the post.  2. Now FB needs to rank two edges. First edge:  A. Affinity between friend and your brand = 1(very low)  B. Weight of your post = 3 (from last example)  C. Time decay = 2  D. Edge score of first edge: 1 * 3 * 2 = 6  3. Second edge (fan's comment)  A. Affinity between friend and fan = 7 (high)  B. Weight of a comment, say 5  C. Time decay = 4 (friend logged in quickly after comment).  D. Edge score of second edge: 7 * 5 * 4 = 140  Total object EdgeRank score becomes: 6 + 140 = 146  Recorded, monitored and impacts your future scores.

30  Strategy is Leverage for Engagement  Innovate, Serve as Resource, Be Real, Give Voice to Fans, Build and Foster Community  Tip #1: Ask Questions  Tip #2: Post Games and Trivia  Tip #3: Interact with Fan Engagement  Tip #4: Incorporate Apps  Tip #5: Incorporate Relevant Photos  Tip #6: Relate to Current Events  Tip #7: Incorporate Videos  Tip #8: Post Content for Time-Sensitive Campaigns  Tip #9: Include Links within Posts  Tip #10: Be Explicit in Your Posts

31 people on facebook  more than 800 million active users o 150M fb us users o 80% fb users outside us  more than 50% of active users log on to facebook in any given day  average user has 130 friends  average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events

32 facebook worldwide over 50% share of social media sites (ComScore, November 2011)

33 mobile  more than 350 million active users - 45% - currently access facebook through mobile devices

34 fb “ member profile ” (for individuals’ fb page)

35 new member "timeline" profile

36 fb has 3 types of business “ fan pages ” – each has a little different setup and information  local businesses  a brand, product, or organization  a public figure, artist, band, etc.

37 use the “ like ” button to become a “fan”

38 all fan pages have some universal “ tab ” elements  wall  info  friend activity  photos  events  videos

39 “iframes” – embed external content on fb pages  static html content  coupons  youtube video  rss feed  twitter feed  flickr photo galleries

40 all sorts of fan page customizations possible  unique opening “landing page” §- design in fb or 3 rd party applications § - shortstack §

41 3rd party custom page creation - "shortstack"

42 some fan landing pages ask viewer to select the “like” button – “fan-gating”

43 fb advertising  inexpensive  very targeted to fb user demographics  highly trackable

44 fb ads

45 detailed measurement metrics  fb insights measures fans and interactions  3 rd party advanced analytics  webtrends  coremetrics  objective marketer

46 notable fb fan pages create “stopping power” § create fan engagement!! § gotta be a fan!!!

47 compelling fan pages

48 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

49 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

50 "fangate" - contests - exclusive content

51 friend activity on selected fan page

52 purchase on fb

53 embedded videos

54 88% of Facebook users who join your fan page never return to the actual page A typical post reaches only about 17% of your fans A Facebook post typically lives for about 3 hours Comments are about 4x more valuable than Likes Facebook tracks everything to determine affinity Leveraging EdgeRank

55 “edgerank” § Facebook EdgeRank formula is Affinity x Weight x Time Decay. § Affinity x Weight x Time Decay  edgerank = affinity x weight x time decay Affinity X Weight X Time Decay

56 Example 1: Your brand posts a message. One of your fans, with lots of friends. 1. Facebook scores "edges." A. because the fan in the past, might have clicked on all your messages and been on your page numerous times, there is a high degree of affinity between you and the fan. For that reason, the affinity score might be 5. B. There is a link in the post which may have weight score of 3. C. The post is a day old, so let's say the age score is 2. D. Total edge score is 5 * 3 * 2 = 30 E. There is only one edge, so the total object score is 30. 2. As the fan logs into FB, FB will score all posts in a similar way and put the top-scoring posts at the top of the feed and/or in "highlighted stories" If your post, with a score of 30, is one of the top-scoring posts, you will show near the top of the fan's news feed.

57 Add another edge, Example 2: The fan, from last example, makes a comment on your post. The fan's friend logs in. Will the friend see your post? 1. By making a comment, the fan added an edge to the post. 2. Now FB needs to rank two edges. First edge: A. Affinity between friend and your brand = 1(very low) B. Weight of your post = 3 (from last example) C. Time decay = 2 D. Edge score of first edge: 1 * 3 * 2 = 6 3. Second edge (fan's comment) A. Affinity between friend and fan = 7 (high) B. Weight of a comment, say 5 C. Time decay = 4 (friend logged in quickly after comment). D. Edge score of second edge: 7 * 5 * 4 = 140 Total object EdgeRank score becomes: 6 + 140 = 146 Recorded, monitored and impacts your future scores.

58 Strategy is Leverage for Engagement Innovate, Serve as Resource, Be Real, Give Voice to Fans, Build and Foster Community Tip #1: Ask Questions Tip #2: Post Games and Trivia Tip #3: Interact with Fan Engagement Tip #4: Incorporate Apps Tip #5: Incorporate Relevant Photos Tip #6: Relate to Current Events Tip #7: Incorporate Videos Tip #8: Post Content for Time-Sensitive Campaigns Tip #9: Include Links within Posts Tip #10: Be Explicit in Your Posts

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