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Pecha Kucha Project Ideas Damien Dieudonné. Wardrobe manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Pecha Kucha Project Ideas Damien Dieudonné. Wardrobe manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pecha Kucha Project Ideas Damien Dieudonné

2 Wardrobe manager

3 Transpose the idea of connected fridges to the wardrobe

4 The system c ould give you advice

5 Easier to manage than a fridge

6 Easier implementation

7 Adaptative light system

8 Make the most of existing systems

9 Imagine a house that changes the lighting according to your mood

10 Or to your activity

11 We could t ake advantage of the system already available in the Aware Home

12 The house could change the lighting according to the TV program you are watching

13 Or to the kind of music your are listening

14 Speaking about music...

15 Lecture enhancer

16 Merge everything that could make presentations more interactive

17 Interactive whiteboard

18 Digital Visualizer

19 Combine those ideas

20 Allow “plug-ins”

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