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The ARTS What constitutes art?. 1: Intention of the Artist Something is a work of ART if it is made by someone with the intention of evoking an aesthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "The ARTS What constitutes art?. 1: Intention of the Artist Something is a work of ART if it is made by someone with the intention of evoking an aesthetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ARTS What constitutes art?

2 1: Intention of the Artist Something is a work of ART if it is made by someone with the intention of evoking an aesthetic response in the audience! Ants design the face of OBAMA in the sand IS this Art? Something is not a work of ART if it is a result of random activity rather than conscious design.

3 Is this Art? Natural V Controlled

4 2 :Quality The Intrinsic quality of the work In general we feel that a work of ART should not be something that a person with no talent or training in the ARTS could have made? Do you agree? Now look at example on nest page

5 Dutch Example Government setup Fund to buy Dutch ART They bought up 8000 pieces of work for Dutch Artists Can you see a problem with this? 2 min’s to discuss Result 98% of it was rubbish! They could not give it away for free. Dutch institutions refused to take the ART! It was so bad!!!

6 Tracey Emin: My BED: Is this ART? She got £150,000 for this!!!!!

7 Forgeries Are they forged Art? What about really good ones!!! Han Van Meergeren Hoax He painted some Vermeers in the 1930’s Even after exposure some art critiics contined to insist the painting were genuine!

8 3: Spectator Response Which spectators should Artist appeal to? “I loved his earlier work” General public V Artist like themselves What is rubbish? What is an Art expert?

9 Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907 Met with shock and outrage Now considered a masterpiece

10 Faking it example Paul O'Hare was a decorator when he was asked to pose as an artist for C4's Faking It. He liked his new life so much he switched for real. Is his work ART He fooled the experts!

11 What constitutes art? 1 : Intention of the Artist 2 : Quality 3 : Spectator Response

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