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‘Authorship Skills’ Web-Bibliography. Overview  Contains annotated links to WWW based, full-text information on how to:  conduct ethical research 

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Presentation on theme: "‘Authorship Skills’ Web-Bibliography. Overview  Contains annotated links to WWW based, full-text information on how to:  conduct ethical research "— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Authorship Skills’ Web-Bibliography

2 Overview  Contains annotated links to WWW based, full-text information on how to:  conduct ethical research  write a scientific paper  write a structured abstract  prepare manuscripts for submission  write footnotes and bibliographies  Links last checked – 03 2008

3 African Malaria Network Trust: Web- Based Course On Health Research Ethics  A research ethics course that is a joint project between AMANET and the European- Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership  Targeted toward members of ethics committees, researchers and general health personnel in developing countries  Online registration is free and participants must complete five compulsory and two optional modules to obtain a certificate  hrecoursedescription.htm hrecoursedescription.htm

4 Blackwell Publishing: Author Services  Documents to assist authors in preparing and submitting publications  Topics include: how to find an appropriate journal, how to prepare a document for submission, English language editing, optimizing and article for search engines and FAQs for multiple subjects  Designed to assist the submission of papers to this publisher  Information is relevant for the submission of papers to numerous Scientific/Technical/Medical journals 

5 Blackwell Publishing: Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics  Reviews and suggests practices for a series of ethical issues related to scientific publishing:  Authorship acknowledgement  Multiple publications  Conflict of interest  Acknowledgement of funding sources  Image manipulation guidelines  Online submission of supplemental data (datasets, videos)  Submission of clinical trials to Central Registry (health sciences)  Institutional review board approval (health sciences) 

6 Blackwell Publishing: Reference Styles - Harvard and Vancouver  An overview of the two main methods of referencing articles in biomedical journals and book publications  Includes examples of both styles  ence_text.asp ence_text.asp

7 British Medical Association (BMA): Reference Styles – Harvard and Vancouver  An overview of the two main methods of referencing articles in biomedical journals and book publications  Includes examples of both styles  Contains links to more detailed sources  ReferenceStyles ReferenceStyles

8 BMJ: Resources for Authors  Full-text resources providing tools for authors  Topics range from how to submit an article for publication to a discussion of the publication process itself, including the peer review process, editorial policies and the BMJ style  Resources are geared toward one publisher’s journals  Information is relevant for the submission of papers to numerous Scientific/Technical/Medical journals 

9 ‘Citing and Referencing: How to Acknowledge Your Sources’  A tutorial about proper referencing for research papers  Topics covered include plagiarism, terminology, style(s), electronic resources, citation composition and reference lists/bibliographies  Much of the material is relevant to biomedical research including examples from the APA, Harvard, and Vancouver styles  Developed by Monash University, Australia 

10 Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): Flowcharts  An organization for editors of peer-reviewed journals that works with the ethics committee of World Association of Medical Editors  Contains 14 PDF flowcharts designed as a practical step-by-step guide for journal editors and covers the most common breaches of publication ethics in scientific and biomedical journals before and after publication  Authors can apply the flowcharts to ensure that their research has been done properly and ethically  Includes link to paper titled ‘Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications’ 

11 Council of Science Editors: Ethics and Editorial Policies  Covers a number of relevant topics including promoting integrity in research, organizational policies and editorial practices  Free access to ‘CSE's White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications’  Useful for editors and prospective authors  olicies/policies.cfm olicies/policies.cfm

12 Elsevier’s Guide to Publication  L inks to a series of documents to foster publication with the largest scientific and biomedical publisher  Includes how to edit a manuscript and draft a cover letter, a submission checklist and links to a guide to authors for individual publishers  Contains guides for one publisher  Information is relevant for the submission of papers to numerous Scientific/Technical/Medical journals  s/howtosubmitpaper s/howtosubmitpaper

13 FAHAMU: Writing for Science and Effective Writing – Core Skills  Basic overview of writing for science and skills for effective writing  Includes how to develop a concept, organize ideas, prepare an outline and write and edit a draft  Maintained by FAHAMU, a network for social justice based in the UK  l l

14 Forum for African Medical Editors (FAME)  The professional association and network for 15 African-based publishers  Contains several useful tools including guidelines for reviewers and editorial procedures  Would assist authors in preparing manuscripts for submission  FAME’s activities are supported by WHO/TDR and INASP  delines.htm delines.htm

15 Global Forum for Health Research  Aims to improve the allocation of research funds and facilitates collaboration among partners, both in the public and private sectors  Contains the ‘10/90 Report’ (an estimated 10% of global biomedical research funds are used for research into 90% of the world's health problems), the Annual Forum on Health Research, and Communicating Health Research  Includes the ‘Bias Free Framework’ - do/005__Publications/010__BIAS%20FREE.php - a practical tool that provides users with a user-friendly, rights-based tool for identifying and eliminating research biases deriving from social hierarchies do/005__Publications/010__BIAS%20FREE.php  Also contains a valuable ‘Links’ page of organizations with an interest in health research and communication 

16 Health Research Resources  Part of the AED/SatelLife ‘Essential Health Links’ gateway  Contains annotated links to sites that facilitate health research in developing countries  Links include information ranging from the design of health research and a health research web-bibliography, to a guide to international and non-governmental agencies that foster research in this environment  research-resources.html research-resources.html

17 Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences  Links to websites that provide instructions to authors for over 3,500 journals in the health and life sciences  All links are to ‘primary sources’ - to publishers and organizations with editorial responsibilities for the titles  Access is via title/alphabetical listing or subject keyword or journal title searching  Maintained by the Raymond H. Mulford Library, Health Sciences Campus, University of Toledo, U.S. 

18 Office of Research Integrity (ORI)  Sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, ORI promotes integrity in biomedical and behavioral research  For 4000 institutions worldwide, the organization monitors investigations of research misconduct  Site contains links to guides and policies on responsible conduct of research  Valuable resource for ethical research 

19 ‘Starting A New Scholarly Journal in Africa’  Published by the Public Knowledge Project, Vancouver, British Columbia in 2006  50 page PDF file; details the benefits and challenges of starting a new scholarly journal in Africa  Contains extensive overview of the types of journals and publication methods and details the process of developing an online, open access journal  Good overview of all the components necessary for publishing a journal 

20 ‘The Structured Abstract: An Essential Tool for Research’  Structured Abstracts often are required for the submission of research proposals, reports and presentations  Key components are: objectives, methods, results and conclusions - which are explained in the site with links to examples and a bibliography  Developed by the Research Section of the Medical Library Association, U.S.  ml ml

21 Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication  Detailed information on how to write and edit for a biomedical publication  Contains information on the application of the uniform requirements, responsibilities of one or multiple authors, peer review process, ethical issues in research, and privacy and confidentiality of research participants  Also includes a section on preparation of a manuscript -  Maintained and regularly updated by the International Committee for Medical Journals and the ‘Uniform Requirements’ have been adopted by many biomedical journals 

22 Virtual Learning Room  A project of the International Food Policy Research Institute  Two free courses:  ‘How to write a convincing proposal’ (how to write a concept note, a convincing proposal for non-technical readers and prepare a logical framework proposal)  ‘How to improve your writing skills’ (how to improve your writing skills, write good research papers, increase your chances of getting a research paper published and make an oral presentation)  Individuals can register for these courses - that are given periodically - and the related E-Learning Discussion Group - ElearningWritingSkills/ ElearningWritingSkills/ 

23 Webgraphy of Health Resources  Guide to information useful on identifying priorities on global health research; getting access to databases and bibliographic resources; formulating research projects and providing links to potential collaborators  Criteria for inclusion in the web-bibliography were the scientific, social and technical relevance of each organization  Each cited source contains an annotation and hypertext link to the specific organization  Produced in 2005 by the Task Group on Building Partnerships, Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research 

24 World Association of Medical Editors  A voluntary association of ~1000 publications fostering cooperation between peer-reviewed medical journals  Site contains discussions of many issues relevant to doing research and publishing in developing countries  Topics include plagiarism, ethical research, peer review, and small and non- English medical journals 

25  Questions/suggestions/comments?  Any additional websites?  updated 03 2008

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