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PERIODIC TRENDS Atomic size Ionization energy. Atomic Size For the main group elements (s & p blocks), atomic radii increase going down a group and decrease.

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Presentation on theme: "PERIODIC TRENDS Atomic size Ionization energy. Atomic Size For the main group elements (s & p blocks), atomic radii increase going down a group and decrease."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERIODIC TRENDS Atomic size Ionization energy

2 Atomic Size For the main group elements (s & p blocks), atomic radii increase going down a group and decrease from left to right across a period.


4 Putting Trend to Use Using the periodic table, arrange the following in order of increasing atomic radius: Br, Te, Se

5 Ionization energy, IE, is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an isolated, gas phase atom. Li(g)Li 1+ (g) + e 1- Energy is always required for this process. IE generally decreases going down a group and generally increases from left to right across a period.

6 Electron Affinity Energy released when a lone, gaseous atom gains an electron. F + e -  F -

7 Electron Affinity, EA, is the amount of energy released when a free, gas phase atom gains an electron. A(g) + e 1- A 1- (g) EA increases (i.e., more energy is released) as we move to the top and right of the periodic table.

8 All positive ions are smaller than the atoms from which they were formed All negative ions are larger than the atoms from which they were formed. Ionic Size

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