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Nottingham’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Jean Robinson Nottingham City PCT April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Nottingham’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Jean Robinson Nottingham City PCT April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nottingham’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Jean Robinson Nottingham City PCT April 2009

2 Background Duty to undertake from April 2008 Identifies current and future health and wellbeing needs Leads to agreed commissioning priorities Joint responsibility of DCS, DASS & DPH

3 What it is Information for commissioning Part of commissioning cycle First of its kind Shared work Collection of information in one place User friendly

4 What it isn’t A one off A Commissioning plan Communication to the public All the answers

5 JSNA 2008 Very well received High profile commitment to its importance However, first one, and we need to improve Survey results –Increased partnership working is required –Template improvements needed incl. reduction of repetition –Feedback whether previous recommendations implemented –Further work required to embed in commissioning plans –Increased use of local rather than national data desirable –The NOMAD+ interface could be improved

6 JSNA 2009 Built on JSNA 2008 Continues to be embedded within planning and commissioning Gaps in evidence base prioritised and intelligence developed Steering Group –Rotating Chair; 3 lead organisations, Director level –SG topic leads; chapter authors (see table) –JSNA Manager post made permanent and appointed to Updated, edited, new JSNA January 2009

7 SWOT Strengths –Energy and commitment –Use of NOMAD+ as the platform - jointly owned; accessible on internet by all stakeholders –Developed in-house - using current capacity, but also building new capacity; increased ownership and ensured it was more embedded in the commissioning cycle –Template approach Weaknesses –Need for systematic stakeholder engagement –The level of analysis across the different chapters needs to be more consistant Opportunities –Laid ground-work to develop joint commissioning more (currently being used more for partners' respective commissioning...) –Develop the geographical area-based focus –Develop customer insight more holistically Threats –Lack of skilled capacity and time / resource –Availability and poor quality of data

8 Live demo if www. available








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