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Basic Chemistry CHAPTER 2. What are elements?  What can you tell me about elements?

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Chemistry CHAPTER 2. What are elements?  What can you tell me about elements?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Chemistry CHAPTER 2

2 What are elements?  What can you tell me about elements?

3 What are elements?  Elements: The fundamental units of matter

4 What are elements?  Elements: The fundamental units of matter  What do we mean by fundamental?

5 Elements of the Body  96% of the body is made from 4 different elements

6 What are atoms?

7  Atoms: The building blocks of elements

8 Atomic Structure  What are the different parts of an atom?

9 Atomic Structure  Nucleus  Protons (p + )  Neutrons (n 0 )  Outside of nucleus  Electrons (e - )

10 Atomic Structure of Smallest Atoms

11 How do we identify elements?

12  Atomic number

13 How do we identify elements?  Atomic mass number

14 How do we identify elements?  Atomic mass number:


16  Why are atomic masses not in whole numbers?  Protons + Neutrons right?

17 Isotopes and Atomic Mass  ISOTOPES!

18 Isotopes and Atomic Mass  Isotopes:  Have the same number of protons  Vary in number of neutrons

19 Isotopes and Atomic Mass  Close to mass number of most abundant isotope  Atomic weight reflects natural isotope variation

20 Electrons and Bonding  Energy levels called electron shells  Electrons closest to the nucleus are most strongly attracted

21 Electrons and Bonding  Bonding - interactions between electrons in the outer shell (valence shell)  Full valence shells do not form bonds

22 Electrons and Bonding  How to fill the atom’s shells  Shell 1 - maximum of 2 electrons  Shell 2 - maximum of 8 electrons  Shell 3 - maximum of 18 electrons  Shell 4 - maximum of 32 electrons  Shell 5 - maximum of 50 electrons  Shell 6 – maximum of 72 electrons

23 Lewis Dot Structures  Diagrams that show the bonding between atoms  Represent the valence shell  Carbon has 6 protons, 6 elections  So…….4 electrons are in the valence shell

24 Rule of Eights (Octet Rule)  Atoms are considered stable when their outermost orbital has 8 electrons  The exception to this rule of eights is Shell 1, which can only hold 2 electrons

25 Radioactivity  Radioactivity—process of spontaneous atomic decay  What can we use this for?

26 Radioactivity  Radioactivity—process of spontaneous atomic decay  What can we use this for?

27 Radioactivity  Radiometric Dating:  Uranium  238 U to 206 Pb, with a half-life of 4.47 billion years  235 U to 207 Pb, with a half-life of 704 million years.  Carbon  Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon, with a half-life of 5,730 years  Very short compared to other isotopes

28 Molecules and Compounds  Molecule: Two or more like atoms combined chemically  Compound: Two or more different atoms combined chemically

29 What are chemical reactions?  What do you remember?

30 What are chemical reactions?  Atoms are united by chemical bonds OR  Atoms dissociate from other atoms when chemical bonds are broken

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