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Second Six Weeks Vocab Lesson 2 Quiz on Friday, October 22.

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1 Second Six Weeks Vocab Lesson 2 Quiz on Friday, October 22

2 scrupulous careful; painstaking Abraham Lincoln was so scrupulous about honesty that he would walk several miles to return something he had borrowed.

3 obsequious overly obedient; submissive I have no respect for those who bully inferiors, but act obsequious to those in authority over them.

4 malleable capable of being shaped The goo that the dentist squirted into my mouth to make a mold for my braces was very malleable, but it soon set up and hardened.

5 amiable agreeable; likable He was an amiable person, always smiling and happy.

6 vehemently emphatically; with extreme emotion/passion “I did NOT cheat on the test,” Paula replied vehemently when accused by the teacher.

7 placid calm; quiet It was a relief to the young mother to have her baby calm and placid instead of cranky and crying from an ear infection.

8 reiterated repeated I reiterated the directions for those who were not listening the first time.

9 torpor inactive period The overheated classroom and the boring lecture combined to almost sedate the students and lull them into a state of torpor.

10 fidelity accuracy or faithfulness When you marry someone, one of the main vows is fidelity.

11 conscientious careful and honest A conscientious student is one who carefully writes down all his homework, takes notes, studies, and completes all assigned homework.

12 eloquence well-articulated, persuasive speech The preacher’s eloquence persuaded all of the congregation that they should go help the unfortunate.

13 musings meditations Much of the poet’s everyday musings are recorded in her journal; we were able to find her thoughts that prompted her poems.

14 insensible not able to be perceived with the senses The victim of the motorcycle accident lay insensible in the hospital. No one knew how long the coma would last.

15 patriarch the father (male head) of a family or tribe My grandfather is considered the patriarch of our family.

16 seer one who supposedly tells the future; a prophet Some people consult fortunetellers or seers because they desire to know what the future holds.

17 abode a home or residence Birds live in trees; wolves live in dens, but humans make their abode in houses.

18 dismembered something or someone that has been cut to pieces In horror movies there is often at least one person who is dismembered by the villain or monster.

19 impunity freedom from punishment or harm Because Jack was the captain of the football team and its most valuable player, he felt he could skip practice with impunity because the coach and team needed him so much; he was wrong.

20 assiduity diligence; perseverance; carefulness His assiduity led to his receiving an “A” for the first time in English.

21 metamorphosed transformed The summer between junior high and high school my sister metamorphosed from a shy, plain wallflower into an outgoing, beautiful “Miss Popularity.”

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