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 S-Science  T-Technology  E-Engineering  M-Mathematics.

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2  S-Science  T-Technology  E-Engineering  M-Mathematics

3  Student achievement needs to improve in STEM for the US to be competitive in the global economy.  Statistic - Scores from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment show 15- year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 20th in reading, 23th in science and 30th in math.

4  Physics Physics  Actuarial Science Actuarial Science  Chemistry Chemistry  Mathematics Mathematics  Computer Science Computer Science  Biochemistry Biochemistry  Robotics Robotics  Computer Engineering Computer Engineering  Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering  Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

5  Civil Engineering Civil Engineering  Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering  Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering  Astrophysics Astrophysics  Astronomy Astronomy  Nanotechnology Nanotechnology  Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics  Mathematical Biology Mathematical Biology  Operations Research Operations Research

6  Neurobiology Neurobiology  Biomechanics Biomechanics  Bioinformatics Bioinformatics  Acoustical Engineering Acoustical Engineering  Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems  Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Sciences  Electrician  Construction

7  Electrical Technicians  Mechanics  Media/Communications  Medical Fields  Information Technology  S/W Developer  Systems Analyst  Web developer  Information Security Analyst  Database Adminisstrator

8  In this course we will focus on the E in STEM. You will apply Common Core standards as well as engineering standards. See syllabus.  My expectations will be held at a higher standard.

9  Search the internet and find 1 STEM career with the mean salary. Find one I did not mention today. Describe what is done in this career in two sentences. Write it on the left side of your notebook for today. 

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