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3-Party Secure Computation of Oblivious RAM Sky Faber (UC Irvine) Stanislaw Jarecki (UC Irvine) Sotirios Kentros (Salem State U) Boyang Wei (UC Irvine)

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Presentation on theme: "3-Party Secure Computation of Oblivious RAM Sky Faber (UC Irvine) Stanislaw Jarecki (UC Irvine) Sotirios Kentros (Salem State U) Boyang Wei (UC Irvine)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3-Party Secure Computation of Oblivious RAM Sky Faber (UC Irvine) Stanislaw Jarecki (UC Irvine) Sotirios Kentros (Salem State U) Boyang Wei (UC Irvine) June 23, 2015 ESSA, Bertinoro

2 Presentation Plan 1. Intro: Why Secure Computation of ORAM (SC-ORAM)? 2. Background:Secure Computation for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] 3. Our Protocol:3-Party setting simplifies secure computation:  3-Party Shared Conditional OT  Data-movement Logic via GC’s  Data-movement itself by (inexpensive) OT’s 4. Looking Forward:Extensions, Directions, Questions 3-Party Secure Computation of (O)RAM

3 Input: secret-sharing of array D secret-sharing of index x (and value v) Output:secret-sharing of D[x] (or s-sharing of modified D) F ORAM D ss s 1 s 2..... s n ⟷ D[x] P 1 P 2..... P n (x 1 x 2..... x n ) ⟷ x Secure Computation of (O)RAM Access (SC-ORAM)

4 P 1 P 2..... P n F ORAM D (x 1 x 2..... x n ) ⟷ x s 1 s 2..... s n ⟷ D[x] ss Compare to Oblivious RAM [GO’96,...] : ORAM: Client & Server, D,x hidden to S, but known to Client SC-ORAM: n Players, D,x hidden to any t out of n players SC-ORAM = Sec.Comp of F ORAM : sharing of D,x ⟶ sharing of D[x]

5 Secure Computation of (O)RAM Access (SC-ORAM) F ORAM D (x 1 x 2..... x n ) ⟵ x s 1 s 2..... s n ⟶ s = D[x] ss Compare to Multi-Server ORAM [OS’97, LO’14] : n-Server ORAM: Single Client, no privacy against Client n-Server Private DB: Many Clients, one query ⇒ one entry of D 1 st Application: n-Server Private Database (  n-Server SPIR)* Client SC-ORAM = Sec.Comp of F ORAM : sharing of D,x ⟶ sharing of D[x] P 1 P 2..... P n

6 Secure Computation of (O)RAM Access (SC-ORAM) P 1 P 2..... P n F ORAM F RAM-PROGRAM D2D2 var stack x,y,z,... Instr 1,2,... Each Instruction Computed by Standard MPC (Yao, BGW,...) read(x) or write(x,v) v=D(x),v 2 nd Application: Sec. Comp. of RAM Program [OS’97,DMN’11,GKKKMRV’12] Sec. Comp. of RAM programs: Inputs can be entered at polylog overhead MPC of P(D) costs O(|instr P |) + (#r/w)*polylog(|D|)) SC-ORAM = Sec.Comp of F ORAM : sharing of D,x ⟶ sharing of D[x] ⇒ MPC on “big data” secret- shared values

7 Generic SC-ORAM Construction [OS’97,GKKKMRV’12] Client 1. Take (Client-Server) ORAM: ORAM Scheme + Secure Comp. of Client’s Code ⟶ SC-ORAM Server MK, xEnc MK (D; r) D[x] Recall: ORAM: 1 Server, D private, x and D[x] (and D) open to Client SC-ORAM: >1 Server, D,x hidden to any t out of n players Enc MK (D; r’)

8 Client 2 ORAM Scheme + Secure Comp. of Client’s Code Server MK 2, x 2 Enc MK (D; r) v2v2 2. Compute Client’s Code using 2PC (/MPC) Client 1 MK 1, x 1 v1v1 [2PC] MK, x D[x] = v 1 ⨁ v 2 P1P1 P2P2 Recall: ORAM: 1 Server, D private, x and D[x] (and D) open to Client nC-ORAM: >1 Server, D,x hidden to any t out of n players Generic SC-ORAM Construction [OS’97,GKKKMRV’12]

9 ORAM Scheme + Secure Comp. of Client’s Code 3. ORAM + SC give us SC-ORAM: sharing of D & x  sharing of D[x] Client 2 Server MK 2, x 2 Enc MK (D; r)v2v2 Client 1 MK 1, x 1 v1v1 [2PC] P1P1 P2P2 D[x] = v 1 ⨁ v 2 MK, x For efficient MPC of RAM programs we need ORAM whose Client is “Secure-Computation Friendly” Generic SC-ORAM Construction [OS’97,GKKKMRV’12] [GKKKMRV’12a]: GO’96 ORAM + Yao + PK-based SS-OPRF gadget [GKKKMRV’12b]: Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] + Yao [WHCSS’14]: Tree-ORAM with modifications + 2PC ⇒ circuits smaller but still large, e.g. 4.6M gates for |D|=2 20

10 Our Question: Would SC-ORAM be faster given 3 players with honest majority? Why hope so? 3 Parties ⇒ 2 Parties with correlated randomness Example: Oblivious Transfer with Precomputation [Bea’95] P3P3 z 0, z 1 z 0, z 1 : random strings c : random bit z c, c m 0 ⨁ z π, m 1 ⨁ z  π π = b ⨁ c m 0, m 1 P1P1 P2P2 bit b 2 Parties: OT needs PK crypto [IR’89] 3 Parties: OT needs 4 xor ops b=0 ⇒ c= π ⇒ z c = z π ⇒ P 2 can read m 0 b=1 ⇒ c= π ⇒ z c = z  π ⇒ P 2 can read m 1

11 Our Question: Would SC-ORAM be faster given 3 players with honest majority? Is trading off security for efficiency a good deal? Which system is better for some privacy-protecting application: System #1: needs 2 servers security protected if only 1 out of 2 are corrupted each query takes 10 seconds System #2: needs 3 servers security protected if only 1 out of 3 are corrupted each query takes 100 milliseconds Who knows? Let’s first see what efficiency we can achieve for (t,n) = (1,3)!

12 Our Question: Would SC-ORAM be faster given 3 players with honest majority? Our result: 3PC for SC-ORAM with (k · log 3 |D|) cost per access* k = security parameter *(assuming O(1) record length: better for larger records) [WHCSS’14] achieve same asymptotic bounds for 2PC-ORAM But in practice the difference might be 2 orders of magnitude: [WHCSS’14] uses GCs with 4.6M – 13M gates for |D| = 2 20 to 2 29 - the smallest-circuit variant uses heuristic estimates for some parameter choices - 2PC GCs need O(k) public key ops for OT’s Our prototype runs on 3 amazon servers connected by LAN, and 70% of its CPU cost is GC’s with 69K – 233K gates for above |D|’s + for conservative parameters + not counting several “easy” optimizations

13 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] Basic structure of Tree-ORAM: Recursive Tree+Array Lookup Split address space of m bits into h chunks of τ=m/h bits each N = [N 1 | N 2 |... |N h ] e.g. m=30, h=6, τ=|N i |=5 N1N1 L1L1 Server Client retrieve & decrypt T1T1 T0T0 2τ2τ L1L1 d i ·w... N1N1 L2L2 N2N2 T2T2 L2L2 N 1 |N 2 L3L3 N3N3 and so on...... T h

14 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] Basic structure of Tree-ORAM: Recursive Tree+Array Lookup N1N1 L1L1 Server Client T1T1 T0T0 2τ2τ L1L1 d i ·w... N1N1 L2L2 N2N2 T2T2 L2L2 N 1 |N 2 L3L3 N3N3 and so on...... T h Split address space of m bits into h chunks of τ=m/h bits each N = [N 1 | N 2 |... |N h ] e.g. m=30, h=6, τ=|N i |=5 Client’s code is a sequence of array look-ups... 3PC idea: ⦁ secret-share all data (T i ’s and N) between P 1 & P 2 send matching entry to P 3 via Shared Conditional OT

15 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] 3PC Tool: Conditional OT on Shared Inputs P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 N * = N * 1 ⨁ N * 2 N i = N i 1 ⨁ N i 2 for all i L i = L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for all i Ni1Ni1 Li1Li1... Ni2Ni2 Li2Li2 N 1 *, N *, N 2 *, L i for (N i,L i ) s.t. N i =N * Client’s code is a sequence of array look-ups... 3PC idea: ⦁ secret-share all data (T i ’s and N) between P 1 & P 2 send matching entry to P 3 via Shared Conditional OT NiNi LiLi... N1N1 L1L1 NnNn LnLn

16 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] 3PC Tool: Conditional OT on Shared Inputs Client’s code is a sequence of array look-ups... 3PC idea: ⦁ secret-share all data (T i ’s and N) between P 1 & P 2 send matching entry to P 3 via Shared Conditional OT P3P3 P1P1 P2P2 Ni1Ni1 Li1Li1... Ni2Ni2 Li2Li2 N * = N * 1 ⨁ N * 2 N i = N i 1 ⨁ N i 2 for all i L i = L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for all i Note that N* = N i iff N * 1 ⨁ N i 1 = N * 2 ⨁ N i 2 a i b i L i for (N i,L i ) s.t. N i =N * L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for i s.t. a i = b i N 1 *, N 2 *,

17 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] 3PC Tool: Conditional OT on Shared Inputs P3P3 P1P1 P2P2 Ni1Ni1 Li1Li1... Ni2Ni2 Li2Li2 N * = N * 1 ⨁ N * 2 N i = N i 1 ⨁ N i 2 for all i L i = L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for all i Note that N* = N i iff N * 1 ⨁ N i 1 = N * 2 ⨁ N i 2 a i b i N 1 *, N 2 *, L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for i s.t. a i = b i aiai bibi This is a String Equality Problem: 2PC, Yao’s GC: O(k·n) SHAs 2PC, DH-KE: O(n) Exps 3PC, correlated $: 4n AESs ( cost of secure transmission of retrieved ORAM path)

18 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] 3PC Tool: Conditional OT on Shared Inputs P1P1 P2P2 P 1 & P 2 know same PRF key k L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 for i s.t. a i = b i Li1Li1... aiai Li2Li2 bibi a i =b i ⇒ v i =w i ⇒ C i =D i ⇒ P 3 recovers L i 1 ⨁ L i 2 i-th PRF inputs masked by OTP i P3P3 Problem: P 3 learns position i where the a i = b i match occurs! (In the Tree-ORAM this means learning the searched address) 3PC Solution: P 1 & P 2 shift their lists by (correlated) random offset j ⇒ ( i,j) is a secret-sharing of the located array entry

19 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] The other half: Eviction N1N1 L1L1 Server Client T1T1 T0T0 2τ2τ L1L1 w... N1N1 L2L2 N2N2 T2T2 L2L2 N 1 |N 2 L3L3 N3N3 and so on...... T h Eviction: In retrieved path, move any array as far down towards the leaf in its “target label” L. SC-ORAM: To reduce circuit size, use constrained eviction strategy, e.g choose only O(1) arrays to move in each bucket move arrays only one hop down more complex strategies for Tree-ORAM with stash we use these

20 Our 3P-SC-ORAM : 3PC for Tree-ORAM [Shi+’11] The other half: Eviction N1N1 L1L1 Server Client T1T1 T0T0 2τ2τ L1L1 w... N1N1 L2L2 N2N2 T2T2 L2L2 N 1 |N 2 L3L3 N3N3 and so on...... T h Eviction: Move O(1) arrays one hop down towards their “target leaf” L. 2PC: Oblivious shift on all path data: GC on O(w·2 τ ·log 2 |D|) bits 3PC: (I) P 3 learns movement logic (src/dst indexes) on secret-shared path with randomly permuted buckets: GC on 2w·log|D| bits (II) P 3 assists P 1,P 2 data movement, using 3-Party OT ( sec.trans.)

21  3P Sec.Comp.-ORAM, seemingly faster than 2P SC-ORAM’s asymptotic close to 2PC SC-ORAM [WHCSS’14] constants much smaller e.g. GC with 69K vs. 4M (*) gates costs “close” (w/o GC’s) to underlying Client-Server ORAM # rounds (+3), bandwidth and computation ( 7x)  Implementation tested on Amazon Web Servers 80ms/query for |D|=2 20, 105ms for |D|=2 28 on 3 lowest-tier (free!) servers servers located in 3 different “availability zones” (probably same LAN) off-line precomputation  8x (little attention paid to off-line...) will make it open source  Simple improvements TBD: “linear scan” on address prefix, pack D records (if small) with address postfix all GC’s use 2x2 gates: Eval can be done with single SHA op. ⇒ 2x faster  Other directions (examples): parallel access, batched access: more complex eviction circuit... use stash [SDSFRYD’13] for O(1) buckets: more complex eviction circuit... general (t,n) ? The “P 1 /P 2 permute & P 3 gets the outputs” idea doesn’t scale... secure-computation friendly multi-server ORAM, comp. to O(log n) of [LO’14] extend ORAM’s functionality (Array) to other datastructures for RAM programs Conclusions, Extensions, Directions

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