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Birth Control Methods Birth Control Methods August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Birth Control Methods Birth Control Methods August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birth Control Methods Birth Control Methods August 2012

2 Can you name some t ypes of birth control?

3 Types of Birth Control  NO! / Postpone / Abstain  Hormonal  Barriers  Natural  Surgical

4 Abstinence Personal Choice Way it works… Both partners need to discuss their sexual limits with each other before having sex Respect each others’ sexual decision making Must have sexual consent- not under the influence of drugs or alcohol Postpone sex until both partners are certain and there is reliable birth control and STI protection in place. Effectiveness- 100%

5 Abstinence You can still:  flirt, kiss and hug  hold hands  enjoy activities together movies sports dances walks parties friends

6 Hormonal Birth Control Hormonal birth control works by: -preventing the eggs from being released from the ovaries -making the lining of the uterus thinner -thickening vaginal discharge

7 Birth Control Pill  Take one pill everyday, at the same time, for 21 or 28 days  Start a new pack every 28 day  Effectiveness – 92-99%

8 Pros  regulate periods  reduce cramping  helps with acne  shorter, lighter periods Cons Should not smoke No STI protection  irregular spotting or bleeding  take pill everyday at same time

9  Hormonal Method  Take emergency contraception if: - birth control was not used - condom breaks - sexual assault/rape - forgot to take birth control pill  works by delaying ovulation  95% effective if taken within first 24 hours  take within 72 hours  available at drugstores Emergency Contraception

10 Patch  Patch that sticks to your skin  Apply your first patch during the first 24 hours of your period  Wear your patch for 1 week (7 days)  Apply a patch on the same day of the week for 3 weeks  4 th week, you do not wear a patch  Effectiveness 97-99%

11 Where to apply EVRA ButtockAbdomen Upper torso ( excluding the breasts) Outside of your upper arm

12 Ring Small soft flexible ring Insert into vagina between day 1 and day 5 of your menstrual period Remains in place for 3 weeks Remove for a 7 days Effectiveness: 98 to 99%

13 Patch and Ring No day-to-day routine Simple and very effective Reversible Good alternative to the pill especially if cannot remember to take the birth control pill each day

14 Needle  Injection - every 10 -13 weeks amenorrhea (no period)  Weight gain of 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)  Bone density decrease Effectiveness: 99.7%

15 Barrier Methods  Male Condom-birth control that a guy wears  Effectiveness 88% (if used alone) Other Barriers 79-88% effective

16 Condoms  Male and female condoms Latex and Latex free  Only Birth control method that protects against STIs  Effectiveness 85% - 88% (if used alone)

17 Male Condoms Condom usage is a sign of Responsible decision making/respect for self and partner Condoms will not spoil the mood but an STI or pregnancy will!

18 Withdrawal The male partner pulls out before ejaculation. Does not consider the sperm already in the pre-ejaculate Effectiveness : 70 to 75% 1 in 4 girls using this method will become pregnant!!

19 Chance No method used Effectiveness : 15% Pregnancy Planning

20  Pregnancy rate without using any contraception: - 25% within 1 month - 50% in 6 months - 85% within 1 year

21 Facts Teen pregnancy rate increased in 2007, 2008, and again in 2009, slight decline in 2010 Teen pregnancy rates are highest in Saint John and Charlotte County Births to teens under 18 years in our region - 105 in 2005/06, 132 in 2006/07, 160 in 2007/08, 150 in 2008/09 and 132 in 2009/10 Last 5 years, 992 teens in our region have been pregnant!

22 How much does it cost to raise a child to the age of 18 in Canada (2011)? a) $92,260 b) $110,800 c) $155,550 d) $243,660

23 d) $243,660 !!! $12,825 monthly

24 Birth Control… how much do you know? much do you know?

25 Face of Teen Pregnancy Name 2 reasons why a female taking the birth control pill becomes pregnant

26 Time for Plan B (Morning after Pill) forgets to take her pill does not take at the same time each day on antibiotics intercourse within the first month of starting the pill vomiting and/or diarrhea

27 True or False? The Pill makes you have mood swings?

28 FALSE In most cases, irritability or depressive mood have other causes other than the use of the birth control pill

29 True or False A girl can become pregnant the first time she is sexually active

30 True, girls can become pregnant at any time if birth control is not used.

31 True or False Not using any type of birth control is an effective method of birth control

32 False Effectiveness is only 15%!

33 What is the most effective way to prevent a pregnancy?

34 Worry Free Abstinence

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