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Lab 1 B Objectives 1.Calibrate a thermometer 2.Dimension analysis 3.Generate a graph on excel.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 1 B Objectives 1.Calibrate a thermometer 2.Dimension analysis 3.Generate a graph on excel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 1 B Objectives 1.Calibrate a thermometer 2.Dimension analysis 3.Generate a graph on excel

2 A typical thermometer is a calibrated, or numbered, glass tube containing mercury. The silver mercury in the tube rises, or expands, when warmth of an object increases..

3 There are three systems for measuring temperature. Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin

4 Fahrenheit. The first scale is measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 32 to 212 degrees.

5 Celsius The other scale is measured in degrees Celsius.. The range from freezing point to boiling point on this scale is 0 to 100 degrees.

6 Temperature Conversion Table From Fahrenheit (F o to C o ) (F - 32) * 5/9 Celsius (C o to F o ) (C * 9/5) + 32 Kelvin (C o to K o ) C + 273

7 Dimensional analysis A way to convert one unit into another unit

8 Math Start with what is given. If the problem is in the form of a math equation (ex. 36 eggs = ______________ dozen, it’s the number written first.

9 36 eggs

10 Don’t bother with the numbers, look at the units !! Whatever the units your first number has, put that down below diagonally in the next blank. 36 eggs eggs

11 Conversions Decide what you have to convert the unit you just wrote into. Put the conversion unit above A conversion is a unit that has an equivalent value to another unit

12 Important conversions 1 cm 3 = 1 ml 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1meter = 1000mm 1km = 1000m 1m= 100 cm

13 36 eggs eggs Dozen

14 For each conversion, ask which unit is larger put a 1 next to it 36 eggs eggs Dozen 1

15 Ask yourself how many of the other units are in the larger unit. Fill in the other number 36 eggs eggs Dozen 1 12

16 Cancel units that divide out 36 eggs eggs Dozen 1 12

17 Do the math. Multiply across the top write the number down. Multiply across the bottom write the number down, Divide the two numbers. That is your answer. 36x 1 = 36 1 x12 = 12 36 / 12= 3 dozen

18 Example 1 200 seconds is how many minutes 200 sec 60 sec 1 min 200 min / 60 =3.3 min

19 Example 2 2000 seconds is how many days 2000 sec 60 sec 1 min 2000 Hours / 3600 =0.55 hours 60 min 1 Hour

20 Example 3 200 mg/ml is how many grams / L 200 mg 1000 mg 1 gram ml 1000 ml 1 L

21 Lab C Part C Procedures on page 5 Take home pre-quiz 1 Questions 1-5 on page 13 Generate a excel computer graph for your thermometer calibration curve on page 15 – instructions on page A32 in the appendix (1-19)

22 Density Average deviation from the mean Next week lab quiz 2-

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