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Integers and Absolute Value Section 2-1. Intro to Integers An integer is the set of whole numbers and their opposites, including zero, represented by.

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Presentation on theme: "Integers and Absolute Value Section 2-1. Intro to Integers An integer is the set of whole numbers and their opposites, including zero, represented by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers and Absolute Value Section 2-1

2 Intro to Integers An integer is the set of whole numbers and their opposites, including zero, represented by {… -3, - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3,…} A positive integer is a whole number greater than zero. A negative integer is w whole number less than zero. Website for Integer Rules

3 Things to remember Graph – means to draw a point on the number line to represent the integer. Zero is neither positive nor negative. Absolute value refers to the distance away from zero an integer is. (ALWAYS positive!)

4 How do I know if it is positive or negative? Reference to zero. Ask yourself, “Is it good, did it help?” Look for key words: –Negative: below, loss, withdraw, less than, etc… –Positive: above, profit, deposit, more than, etc…

5 Absolute Value Key points for absolute value: –Always positive because it refers to distance from zero, not position on the number line. –Treat them like ( ). Solve the inside, then take the absolute value. –Simply remove the sign, keep the number!

6 Practice!

7 Comparing and Ordering Integers Section 2-2

8 How to read the signs < (less than) > (greater than) Example 1:4 < 8  4 is less than 8 Example 2:– 5 > – 16  negative 5 is greater than negative 16

9 Ordering Integers WARNING! graph or picture where the negative numbers fall on a number line. *It may be easier to think, “is this negative number MORE negative that one?”

10 True or False! Why?

11 Homework Worksheet –Practice 2-2, All –Skills Practice, Even

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