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Faith in the Countryside The Role of Rural Community Councils David Wood Rural Action East.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith in the Countryside The Role of Rural Community Councils David Wood Rural Action East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith in the Countryside The Role of Rural Community Councils David Wood Rural Action East

2 Topics for Discussion The State of the Countryside & Its Role Characteristics of Rural Communities The Work of RCCs

3 The Countryside Agriculture Fall out from F&M, BSE, etc EU CAP, farming subsidies EU suppliers, especially new eastern countries WTO and third world suppliers Leisure Tourism, rural crafts New wetlands, woodland, heath-land Dormitory Rural idyll – quality of life Affluent immigrants Reality is need for combination of all above plus new sources of economic vitality

4 Rural Life Low crime Healthy environment Good community spirit  Pleasant place to live, with high quality of life BUT…

5 Realities of Rural Life Economic income needed to enjoy rural life Low paid & few jobs Fewer services Shops, banks, GPs, schools, leisure Little or no public transport - isolation Lack of affordable housing Reduced utility provision, eg gas, Broadband

6 Characteristics of Small Rural Communities Low population density – rural premium Lack of viability statutory & community services Insular, less connected to networks Administrative isolation Greater reliance on volunteer groups Community not LA owned facilities Community transport, shops, groups Interdependency of groups & facilities Reduced access to support & training

7 Rural Communities, cont Parish Councils Hidden deprivation Low concentration not captured Hidden social exclusion Poverty & affluence side-by-side

8 Rural Community Councils Aim to achieve rural regeneration through:  Integrated support tailored to the needs of rural communities  Economic & social regeneration through local projects & strategic programme delivery  Community capacity building through empowerment  Rural advocacy in policy development & delivery

9 Characteristics of Approach Work at county level Dispersed network engaged with communities Holistic approach to whole community Address specific needs within rural village context One-stop integrated service Specific detailed technical source In-house skills Partnership Local Auth, other volunteer orgs

10 RCC Work Direct delivery of services Good neighbour, Parish Plans, social inclusion Grant applications Delegated fund administration Training, information, advice Village hall committees, child care, etc Community consultations Bring community together

11 Rural Action East Regional autonomous charity Works for rural regeneration Advocacy – input on policy definition and programme delivery GO East, EEDA, Countryside Agency, EERA EECN, COVER Regionalisation – encourage and support collaboration between RCCs Staff networks; Joint projects Regional projects Market Town Initiative National ACRE Action with Communities in Rural England

12 Contact Details David Wood Rural Action East Regional Development Officer 01473 242500

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