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Published byJocelyn Charles Modified over 9 years ago
Springfield Public Schools Springfield Effective Educator Development System (SEEDS) June 19/27/28, 2012
2 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview8:30 to 9:20am SEEDS video 9:20 to 9:30am Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP 9:30 to 10:00am Break10:00 to 10:15am Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations 10:15 to 11:30am Lessons learned from Level 4 schools11:30 to 11:45am Break (Level 4 participants dismissed)11:45am to 12:00pm Educator plan placement workshop (working lunch) 12:00 to 1:00pm
3 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
4 Springfield Improvement Framework All Schools Will: 1.Identify and implement a schoolwide instructional focus. 2.Develop professional collaboration teams to improve teaching and learning for all students. 3.Identify, learn and use effective evidence-based teaching practices to meet the needs of each student. 4.Create a targeted professional development plan that builds expertise in selected best practices. 5.Re-align resources (people, time, talent, energy and money) to support the instructional focus. 6.Engage families and the community in supporting the instructional focus. 7.Create an internal accountability system growing out of student learning goals that promote measurable gains in learning for every student and eliminates achievement gaps. Supported by the district office, each school will work to improve CORE instruction within a climate and culture that is GOAL FOCUSED, ADAPTIVE AND COHESIVE
5 Springfield Public Schools has undertaken many valuable efforts to develop teachers and raise student achievement Teacher Incentive Fund Springfield Improvement Framework School Improvement Planning MA Curriculum Frameworks Data Warehouse Educator Evaluations School Improvement Grants Wraparound Services Organizational Health Initiative Dropout Prevention Taskforce Achievement Network Partnership Literacy and Numeracy Credit Recovery and Extended Learning Time Mass Core Magnet Schools
6 The various initiatives fit together with a common purpose of raising student achievement Effective instruction in every class, every day Shared, high expectations for all students Students achieve grade level proficiency Students graduate ready for college and career Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction SIF #1,2,3,4 Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments SIF #1, 3,4,7 Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district SIF #5,7 Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students SIF #6 The work
7 Teacher effectiveness greatly impacts student achievement* * Student achievement percentile after two years Source: Marzano (2003) What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action 37 th %ile96 th %ile 3 rd %ile63 rd %ile 50 th %ile (average school; average teacher) Most effective teacher Least effective teacher Least effective school Most effective school Student achievement percentile after 2 years
8 But research indicates that the U.S. evaluation systems don’t differentiate between varying levels of teacher effectiveness Source: The New Teacher Project: The Widget Effect 2,374 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 32 Denver ratings from 2005-2008 on a binary scale 98.7%1.3% SuperiorExcellentSatisfactoryUnsatisfactory 25,332 9,176 2,232149 Chicago ratings from 2003-2008 on a 4-point scale 99.6%0.4%
9 The new development system provides an opportunity to move our district in an exciting direction A system that: Encourages development and continuous improvement Aligns with and reinforces the educator goals Empowers educators Is driven by data and evidence Enables more accurate assessments through short but frequent observations Where we are nowWhere we are going A system that: Focuses on compliance Lacks connection to the educator’s goals Is done to an educator Excludes student learning and growth Relies on scripted, announced observations
10 The new system also aligns with the state’s regulations and teacher evaluation experts Kim Marshall’s 4 part model
11 The SEEDS framework consists of five key features Statewide Standards and Indicators Three categories of evidence to assess performance A statewide performance rating scale Four educator plans Five-step evaluation cycle 123 45 Five features of the new evaluation framework
12 1. Statewide Standards and Indicators Curriculum, Planning and Assessment Engagement Collaboration Communication Teaching All Students Family and Community Engagement Professional Culture Reflection Professional Growth Collaboration Decision making Shared Responsibility Professional Responsibilities Curriculum and Planning Assessment Analysis Instruction Learning Environment Cultural Proficiency Expectations Standard Indicator Performance Standards and Indicators have been defined to understand what effective teaching looks like
13 2. Three categories of evidence 1. Observations Includes unannounced and announced observations 2. Multiple measures of student learning Includes MCAS growth when applicable and district-determined measures of student learning Effective 2013-2014 3. Other evidence Educator’s collection of evidence, including: Evidence of fulfillment of professional responsibilities and growth Evidence of family engagement Three categories of evidence will be gathered for evaluation:
14 3. Statewide Performance Rating Scale Consistently exceeds requirements of a standard Able to model the standard to other educators Exemplary Fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard Proficient Below requirements of a standard - improvement is necessary Needs Improvement Consistently below the requirements of a standard Unsatisfactory Ratings
15 4. Four Educator Plans Educator Plans Developing Self-Directed Growth (1 or 2 years) Directed Growth Improvement Teacher status No PTSPTS Performance rating All ratings Exemplary Proficient Needs improvement Unsatisfactory Developed by Evaluator and Educator Evaluator and Educator Evaluator Educator Typical duration 1 year1 to 2 years1 year 30 school days to 1 year Determine the plan Result from the plan
16 5. Five-step Evaluation Cycle Self Assessment Analysis, Goal- Setting, & Plan Development Implementation of the Plan Formative Assessment / Evaluation Summative Evaluation Continuous Learning
17 We developed an implementation guide to help with the work SEEDS implementation guide table of contents Introduction Overview for educators and evaluators Step 1: Self-assessment and goal proposal Step 2: Goal setting and plan development Step 3: Implementation of the plan Step 4: Formative assessment and evaluation Step 5: Summative evaluation Appendix A: Forms Appendix B: Standards and indicators of effective teaching practice (rubric) Appendix C: Evidence collection guide Appendix D: Frequently asked questions Appendix E: Teacher and caseload educator contract language Appendix F: Setting SMART goals guide Guide will be available on the Springfield Public Schools website
18 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
19 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
20 Educator work, school work, and district work are connected Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction SIF #1,2,3,4 Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments SIF #1, 3,4,7 Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district SIF #5,7 Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students SIF #6 Standard IV: Professional Culture* Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment* Standard III: Family and Community Engagement* Standard II: Teaching All Students* * Connections between the work and the rubric include but are not limited to these examples.
21 The district will provide MA aligned unit assessments and unit plans to teachers, who can tailor the daily instruction based on student need Common Unit Assessments Provided by the district to create shared, high expectations for all students Common Unit Plans Provided by the district to ensure consistent rigorous standards in every class every day Lesson Plans Developed by teachers to allow teachers to plan for and respond to their specific students’ needs Revision Process Incorporated by teachers and the District to ensure assessments and plans reflect effective evidence- based teaching practices
22 The new Massachusetts curriculum framework has guiding principles for English language arts and mathematics ELA curriculum guiding principles summary Mathematics curriculum guiding principles summary 1.Develop thinking and language together through interactive learning. 2.Develop understanding of a students’ literary heritage. 3.Draw on texts and multimedia to build academic vocabulary. 4.Develops students’ oral language and literacy. 5.Emphasizes writing arguments, explanatory/informative texts, and narratives. 6.Holds high expectations for all students. 7.Provides explicit skill instruction in reading and writing. 8.Builds on the language, experiences, knowledge, and interests that students bring to school. 9.Nurtures students’ sense of their common ground as American citizens. 10.Reaches out to families and communities in order to sustain a literate society 1.Explore mathematical ideas to stimulate curiosity, create enjoyment, and develop depth of understanding. 2.Design content standards that are clear and specific, focused, and articulated over time as a coherent sequence. 3.Use technology strategically in mathematics education. 4.Prepare all students for college and career through a high quality mathematics program. 5.Build upon and develops students’ literacy skills and knowledge. 6.Inform instruction and learning through assessments of student learning.
23 The MA curriculum framework builds literacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening and language across subject areas College and career ready student Demonstrate independence Strong content knowledge Responds to varying demands Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Uses technology strategically and capably Understands other perspectives and cultures
24 The MA curriculum standards of mathematical practice prepare students to be college and career ready College and career ready student Make sense of problems Reason quantitatively Construct viable arguments Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Make use of structure Express regularity in repeated reasoning
25 Supports will ensure teachers and students meet the rigorous, consistent standards of the new curriculum Coaching Supports - CSOs - Principals - APs - Academic Directors - ILSs Support Structures - PLCs - Faculty Meetings - PD - Coaching and Evaluation Tool-based Supports - Common Unit Plans and Instructional Guidance Documents - Common Unit Assessments - Student learning data When supports work together, they become even more powerful
26 Coaching, developing and evaluating educators become more meaningful when: Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction SIF #1,2,3,4 Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments SIF #1, 3,4,7 Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district SIF #5,7 Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students SIF #6 I know where the educator wants to improve. I understand the standards, sequence and pacing. I know which students need more emotional and academic support. I know where students stand academically. * Connections between the work and the rubric include but are not limited to these examples.
27 The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is an important way for the district to use data to help students Effective instruction in every class, every day Shared, high expectations for all students Students achieve grade level proficiency Students graduate ready for college and career Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction SIF #1,2,3,4 Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments SIF #1, 3,4,7 Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district SIF #5,7 Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students SIF #6 The work
28 The SIP’s grade level planning also sets the student learning goal for SEEDS Targets help schools identify areas where they must focus Each grade level or departmental team has an opportunity to reflect and plan for improvement The School Improvement Plan allows schools to Capture and prioritize feedback from grade levels Conduct root cause analysis, and Plan for improvement Targets Grade by grade reflection and action planning School Improvement Plan Student learning goal
29 SIP Alignment of goals Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction SIF #1,2,3,4 Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments SIF #1, 3,4,7 Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district SIF #5,7 Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students SIF #6 District goals School goals Grade level goals Individual goals Goals should be aligned from district to classroom level… SIP Evaluation …and are defined in the district strategy and through SIP & ed eval processes District goals School goals Grade level goals Grade level (team) goals Individual goals
30 Let’s take a break!
31 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
32 Inspirational sports video
33 Rubric and unannounced observation practice (see handouts)! Step 1: Divide into 7 groups; each group has responsibility for focusing on one of the indicators in Standard I or Standard II. Each group will be given a card to clarify your assigned indicator. Step 2: Watch teaching video. Step 3: Practice giving unannounced observation feedback on the form. Focus your feedback on your indicator. Please review the following reference pages for help. Step 4: Each small group shares feedback with large group.
34 Reference: “You can observe a lot by watching” Slow down, breathe, listen, pay attention Don’t impose a checklist on the situation; “free range” Look at the learning task, check in with kids Look for student understanding vs. superficial stuff You’ll notice 1-3 main points to discuss. So as not to miss anything, I suggest a mental checklist What every lesson, K-12, should contain Shared with teachers – everyone on the same page Source: Kim Marshall
35 Reference: SOTEL S - Safety O - Objectives T - Teaching E - Engagement L - Learning Source: Kim Marshall
36 Reference: unannounced observation documentation tips Write down what the teacher is doing Write down what the students are doing As Kim Marshall suggests, you’ll notice a few points to discuss Provide feedback on the main points Align feedback to the rubric Don’t use the rubric as a checklist Provide feedback in the positive, using starter words like consider, try, and encourage Stay away from “never,” “don’t,” or “you didn’t”
37 Reference: unannounced observation feedback example Elementary school example “The teacher was reading a story with many rhyming words. Students held cards that rhymed with some of the words in the story. If the students' words rhymed with the word she called, the student held up their rhyming word. They were taught to look at the letter endings: pat and bat, make and take, ball and call etc. Try giving your students a tool to help them recognize words that don't have the same ending pattern (e.g., great and ate) that rhyme, where potential mistakes could be made” Source: Urban District – Evaluator and Educator is Confidential Standard I-A-4: Well- Structured Lessons Standard II-A- 2: Student Engagement Standard II-D-3: Access to Knowledge
38 Reference: unannounced observation feedback example Secondary school example “All students were highly engaged in the learning activity. Students clearly understood the task and what they were expected to do. The teacher served as a facilitator of learning and gave individual feedback on student binders. Classroom rapport was good. The environment was nurturing and supportive of the students and their learning needs. I encourage you to add more rigor by using the 3-D maps to further the students learning and understanding” Source: Urban District – Evaluator and Educator is Confidential Standard II-D-1: Clear Expectations Standard II-B- 2: Collaborative Learning Environment Standard I-A-3: Rigorous Standards- Based Unit Design
39 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
40 Let’s take a break!
41 Agenda Context, purpose, and overview SEEDS video Integrating SEEDS, MA Curriculum Framework, and the SIP Unpacking the rubric through unannounced observations Lessons learned from Level 4 schools Educator plan placement workshop (Level 4 participants dismissed)
42 After this year, educator plans will be determined by the overall summative performance rating RatingsEducator Plans PTS educatorsNon-PTS educators ExemplaryProficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Self-Directed Growth Plan 2-year or 1-year Directed-Growth Plan Improvement Plan Developing Educator Plan
43 This year, we need to map STEDS to SEEDS based on the educator plan placement guide Overall Instructional Principles Non-Instructional Principles Educator Plan Principal Judgment IIIIIIIVVVIVII Educator with PTS Educator without PTS Exceeds or Meets 0 does not meet indicators or 0 to 1 does not meet indicators Self-Directed Growth (2-year) Developing Exceeds or Meets 1 does not meet indicator or 2 does not meet indicators Self-Directed Growth (1-year) Developing Principal holds discretion to move educator to a self-directed growth 2- year plan Exceeds or Meets 2 or more does not meet indicators or 3 or more does not meet indicators Directed Growth Developing Principal holds discretion to move educator to a self-directed growth 1- year plan PIPImprovementDeveloping New (no history) Not applicableDeveloping Former evaluation program (STEDS) New evaluation program (SEEDS)
44 Process steps to place educators on educator plans 1.Gather your educator roster and last two years of summative evaluation observations (two observations per summative evaluation) 2.Place all non-PTS educators on Developing Educator Plans 3.Place all educators on PIPs on an Improvement Educator Plans 4.For remaining PTS teachers, locate the most recent evaluation If the teacher is odd, he/she should have an evaluation from SY10- 11 If the teacher is even, he/she should have an evaluation from SY11-12 If an evaluation was missed (e.g., maternity leave), find the most recently completed evaluation from SY09-10, SY08-09, SY07-08, etc.
45 Process steps to place educators on educator plans (cont.) 5.Count the number of “does not meets” in Principles I, II, III, IV, V 6.Count the number of “does not meets” in Principles VI, VII 7.Refer to placement slide (starting from the bottom of the chart and working up) to determine the starting plan for each teacher, based on the number of “does not meets” 8.Use discretion to determine if teachers should move up one plan type 9.This process applies to educators on all rubrics (e.g., counselors)
46 Example of Educator A (Instructional Principles) PrincipleIndicatorDMENANO Principle I. Currency in the Curriculum.1.x 2.x 3.x Principle II. Effective Planning and Assessment of Curriculum and Instruction. 4.x 5.x 6.x 7.x 8.x 9.x 10.x 11.x 12.x Principle III. Effective Management of Classroom Environment. 13.x 14.x 15.x 16.x Principle IV. Effective Instruction.17.x 18.x 19.x 20.x 21.x 22.x 23.x Principle V. Promotion of High Standards and Expectations for Student Achievement. 24. 25.x 26.x 27.x 28.x 29.x 30.x Does Not Meet Principle I, II, III, IV, and V Subtotal
47 Example of Educator A (Non-Instructional Principles) PrincipleIndicatorDMENANO Principle VI. Promotion of Equity and Appreciation of Diversity. 31.x 32.x 33.x 34.x Principle VII. Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities. 35.x 36.x 37.x 38.x 39.x 40.x 41.x 42.x 43.x Does Not Meet Principle VI, VII Subtotal Educator A has PTS What’s the educator plan?
48 Let’s work together! Gather your educator roster and summative evaluations Review the educator plan placement guide and process Place your educators on their plans for next year Ask for help if you get stuck
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