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SMU Ethiopia Missions Trip 2015 By: Katie Roberts, Linus Landucci, Jared Breilein, and Heather Huber.

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Presentation on theme: "SMU Ethiopia Missions Trip 2015 By: Katie Roberts, Linus Landucci, Jared Breilein, and Heather Huber."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMU Ethiopia Missions Trip 2015 By: Katie Roberts, Linus Landucci, Jared Breilein, and Heather Huber

2 SMU (Students Missionary Union) ➢ SMU is the largest student-led missions organization in the US ➢ Every year SMU sends out teams during summer and interterm on mission trips to different countries

3 Introducing Team Ethiopia

4 Team Ethiopia Interview

5 Main Objectives ➢ To raise awareness that there is a team from SMU going to Ethiopia over interterm ➢ Raise support ➢ Share what the team will be doing while in Ethiopia ➢ To get there name out there so people will remember to pray for the team

6 Research ➢ We got an ED pack, which contained information on their trip ➢ We met with the team leaders to see how we could help them ➢ Attended two of their meetings to get to know the team members better and see how we could help promote them

7 P.I.P.P. PUBLIC IMPORTANT SEGMENTS PROFILEPRIORITY Students of BiolaFreshmen On campus, little to no prior knowledge of SMU 1 *Sophomores Still likely to be on campus, more exposed to SMU than Freshmen 2 *Juniors Potentially less likely to be involved with student activities 3 *Seniors Most likely live off campus, aware of SMU but not aware of specific trips 4

8 P.O.S.T. PUBLIC SEGMENT OBJECTIVESSTRATEGIESTACTICS Freshmen80 Facebook likesTo demonstrate that awareness was raised for the trip among students Stickers, Facebook page, surveys, talent show Sophomores60 Facebook likes** Juniors40 Facebook likes** Seniors20 Facebook likes*Facebook page

9 T.A.S.C. TACTICSAMOUNTSCHEDULECOORDINATOR Facebook Page$0November 5thKatie/Everyone Survey$0November 10thEveryone Team Video$0November 16thLinus/Everyone Stickers$15November 25thKatie Talent Show Fundraiser $0December 5thEveryone

10 Survey yesnoyesnoyesnoyesno Do you know where Ethiopia is? 11 9158471 Do you know SMU is sending a team to Ethiopia? 13916810253 Do you know what they will being doing? 1215193944 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

11 Talent Show/Fundraiser

12 Results ➢ Team Ethiopia now has a Facebook page that will inform people about different fundraisers and updates by the team

13 Results ➢ Stickers were made and people put them on water bottles and backs of phone which helped spread the word

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