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Presentation on theme: "THE APPENDICULAR MUSCLES Exercise # 16,17 Pages #191,209 MARTINI, 9 TH EDITION, CHAPTER # 11."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE APPENDICULAR MUSCLES Exercise # 16,17 Pages #191,209 MARTINI, 9 TH EDITION, CHAPTER # 11

3 12/18/20152 NOTE: This is a study guide, not an all inclusive review. There might be things not covered by this study guide that might be asked in your practicums / quizzes. Students are responsible for reading their textbook (s) and for all the material covered during the laboratory period, as per the course syllabus

4 Muscular System Overview Divisions of the Muscular System – Axial muscles Position head and spinal column Move rib cage 60% of skeletal muscles – Appendicular muscles Support pectoral and pelvic girdles Support limbs 40% of skeletal muscles

5 Appendicular Musculature Position and stabilize pectoral and pelvic girdles Move upper and lower limbs Divisions of Appendicular Muscles – Muscles of the shoulders and upper limbs – Muscles of the pelvis and lower limbs

6 Competency 5: The Muscular System Identifying the muscles of appendicular region and their actions. 12/18/20155

7 6 ARM & FOREARM- ANTERIOR VIEW BICEPS BRACHII- Flexion of forearm at elbow & supination of the hand BRACHIORADIALIS- Flexion of forearm at elbow BRACHIALIS- Flexion of forearm at elbow PRONATOR TERES- Pronation of the hand SUPINATOR- Supination of the hand

8 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.7

9 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.8

10 12/18/20159 ARM & FOREARM- POSTERIOR VIEW TRICEPS BRACHII- Extension of the forearm at elbow

11 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.10

12 12/18/201511 THIGH- ANTERIOR VIEW THIGH- ANTERIOR VIEW PSOAS MAJOR- Flexion at hip & or lumbar intervertebral joints. ILIACUS- Same as above. SARTORIUS- Flexion & lateral rotation at hip; flexion at knee. TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE- Flexion & medial rotation at hip.

13 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.12

14 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.13

15 12/18/201514 THIGH- MEDIAL VIEW THIGH- MEDIAL VIEW ADDUCTORS (From anterior to posterior) LONGUS- Adduction, flexion & medial rotation at hip GRACILIS- Adduction & medial rotation at hip; flexion at knee MAGNUS- Adduction, flexion, medial & lateral rotation at hip

16 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.15

17 12/18/201516 THIGH- ANTERIOR VIEW QUADRICEPS (4 MUSCLES) RECTUS FEMORIS (In front)- extension at knee; Flexion at hip VASTUS LATERALIS- Extension at knee VASTUS MEDIALIS- Extension at knee VASTUS INTERMEDIUS- (Down to rectus femoris) Extension at knee

18 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.17

19 LEG- POSTERIOR VIEW LEG- POSTERIOR VIEW GLUTEUS MAXIMUS- Extension & lateral rotation at hip GLUTEUS MEDIUS- Abduction & medial rotation at hip HAMSTRINGS- (From lateral to medial) BICEPS FEMORIS- Flexion at knee, extension &lateral rotation at hip SEMITENDINOUS- Flexion at knee ; flexion &medial rotation at hip SEMIMEMBRANOUS- Flexion at knee; flexion &medial rotation at hip POPLITEUS- (Deep on back side of knee)- medial rotation of tibia or lateral rotation of femur at knee

20 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.19

21 12/18/201520 ACTION AT ANKLE POSTERIOR VIEW GASTROCNEMIUS- (Most superficial of calf)- Plantar flexion at ankle; inversion & adduction of foot; flexion at knee SOLEUS- (Under the gastrognemius)- Plantar flexion at ankle; adduction of foot ANTERIOR VIEW PERONEUS LONGUS- Eversion of foot; plantar flexion at knee TIBIALIS ANTERIOR- Dorsiflexion & inversion

22 12/18/2015ALFONSO A. PINO. MD.21


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