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“Information Society Technologies and the Environment” “Information Society Technologies and the Environment” H.SAARENMAA, European Environment Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "“Information Society Technologies and the Environment” “Information Society Technologies and the Environment” H.SAARENMAA, European Environment Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Information Society Technologies and the Environment” “Information Society Technologies and the Environment” H.SAARENMAA, European Environment Agency W. BOCH, European Commission, DG XIII

2 2 What is Information Society  A society where a majority of production comes through processing of information and services based on that  An electronic democracy where citizens are informed at proper stages of planning and can participate in decision-making  A networked society of participation and co- operation where some new rules apply

3 3 Networking means co-operation  Stages of empowering stakeholders  Information  Enabling: network build-up  Participation, linking to  Co-operation  True progress is possible only when you can build on work made by others, maximizing work-share benefits  Co-operation is surprisingly difficult, because it means giving up something

4 4 Caveats in Information Society  Information overload  Flat organisations, email speed, imbalanced expectations of efficiency, escalation of meetings  Outdated forms of information  Can you compete on and with AltaVista Search?  Being technology-driven  but allow some…  Duplicated efforts and networks  Learn to add value, integrate networks with others

5 5 Information Society and the Environment  Environmental issues -- info needs cross-cutting  Sustainability as guiding principle on all sectors  Citizens are stakeholders in environmental decision making  Current ways of co-operating are not sufficient  Huge market for simple environmental information  Improve by exposing: data and environment  EU Directive on access to environmental information  US EPA experience

6 6 Opportunities  ESPRIT (DGIII)  Environment and Climate Programme (DG XII)  Telematics Applications Programme (DGXIII) for Environment  4th Framework Programme 1994-1998  Exploratory action, 26 projects, 23 MECU  5th Framework Programme1998-2002  Full implementation, about 100 MECU

7 7 Future research activities in the 5th FP Four thematic programmes and budget  Improving the quality of life and management of living resources (2650 MECU)  Creating a user friendly information society (3925 MECU)  Promoting competitive and sustainable growth (3100 MECU)  Preserving the ecosystem, which will address energy and the environment in an integrated manner (2100 MECU) Present and future EU R&D activities

8 8 “Creating a User Friendly I Society” Key action 1: Systems and services for the citizen  Intelligent environmental monitoring, analysis, forecasting and decision support  Information and management support tools and systems for sustainable development  Real time high performance risk and emergency management systems and services  Support action for technological development Present and future EU R&D activities

9 9 Examples of critical issues Expected benefits from R&D a)Water Resources (quality and quantity) b)Air Pollution c)Earthquakes d)Global Warming e)Black Sea disaster f)Energy Management

10 10  Market  Employment  Sustainability  Transport Telematics Solutions Expected benefits from R&D

11 11 Conclusion  The new economies and rules of Information Society  Global nature of Information Society  Services as catalyst and enablers to put the principle of sustainable development into action  A huge opportunity in EU and CEEC  The moment to build partnerships is now

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