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Brief corporate resumè. Eskoleia is a labour market business, offering services to NAV which is the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (

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Presentation on theme: "Brief corporate resumè. Eskoleia is a labour market business, offering services to NAV which is the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief corporate resumè

2 Eskoleia is a labour market business, offering services to NAV which is the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation ( NAV is a merger of three former organisations; The National Insurance Organisation (state), The National Employment Service (state) and The Social Welfare System (municipal). One of NAV’s objectives is to get more people at work and in activity, fewer on benefits.

3 Eskoleia is owned 50% each by the local municipalities Kongsvinger and Eidskog. Eskoleia is located in the town Kongsvinger, 100 km north-east of Oslo. (map on next page)


5 Some figures Annual sales:11 mill. Euro Ordinary employees: 90 Persons on diff programs:120 Disadvantage persons 2006:350

6 Managing director Terje Nyland Manager VR/HR Per Jonny Hanssen Manager Account./finance Morten Husum M/S manager Steel Products Erik Rekdal Factory manager Steel Products Arne Hagen Kindergarden manager Gry Gulliksen Organization chart Manager Building Services NN

7 Vision People’s best choice of guidance and development. Mission Eskoleia is helping disadvantage people in getting employment, education or other suitable measures. Through work pratice, educational training and individual guidance, persons should be enabled to take their own decisions regarding future activity.

8 R E H A B I L I T A T I O N Human resources and rehabilitation services Mapping of skills Career guidance Work practice Qualification Aided employment

9 R E H A B I L I T A T I O N Some products from Eskoleia rehabilitation Products and services creating versatile work practice.

10 S T E E L P R O D U C T S

11 B U I L D I N G S E R V I C E S We offer interesting training opportunities within a broad variety of craft industries regarding decorating and remodelling. Painting Painting Wall papering Wall papering Laying tiles Laying tiles Carpentry Carpentry

12 K I N D E R G A R T E N Work pratice in a kindergarten, qualifying for a permanent position, being an apprentice and taking further education within the profession of teaching children and young people.

13 Why seeking international cooperation? Eskoleia is to some extent international today, also regarding the workforce. It is logical to be part of a greater environment for exchanging experience. It is all about establishing network for learning and collaboration, professionally and in business.

14 Looking forward to further contact.

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