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Spelunking Technologies Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo August 28, 2001 CPE Senior Design I.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelunking Technologies Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo August 28, 2001 CPE Senior Design I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelunking Technologies Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo August 28, 2001 CPE Senior Design I


3 People Joel Martin Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Alfred Nuzzolo Dr. Robert Moorhead (Advisor)

4 Project Build a 3D model of MSU in the CAVE Build a better interface to control movement in the CAVE

5 CAVE? CAVE: “CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment” It is a room-sized visualization tool that allows users to view scenes in 3D Programs are run on Bob

6 What About BOB? Bob is an SGI Onyx2 Infinite Reality server Bob has: 2 infinite reality graphics pipes 8 processor (250MHz R10000) 4 Gigabytes of RAM 200 Gigabytes of Disk

7 Goals Map outsides of all buildings on campus Map the inside of at least one building Build hardware to allow the user to navigate the model of campus using a PS2 or N64 controller interfaced to existing hardware Consider the feasibility of a wireless controller and implement one if possible Graduate :-)


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