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Terrorist or not a terrorist?

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1 Terrorist or not a terrorist?
What does a terrorist look like?

2 Timothy McVeigh – Oklahoma bomber.
Detonated a bomb outside FBI building in Oklahoma City, April 19th Killed 168 people, including 19 children. Injured another 648 people. An ex-Ku Klux Klansman. A self confessed “gun-nut”. Not a member of any specific organisation. Convicted and sentenced to death. Executed June 2001.

3 Dr Rizwaan Sabir Accused of being a terrorist. Arrested in May 2008. He had been researching for his Ph.D. on terrorism and had downloaded the Al Qaeda Training Manual from the US Department of Justice website. Also available via Amazon. Eventually released without charge.

4 Beate Zchäpe – currently on trial in Germany
Beate Zchäpe – currently on trial in Germany. Arrested in 2011, after she gave herself up. Had been on the run since 1998, after police attempted to arrest her and others for pipe bomb plot. Accused of being a member of National Socialist Underground (a neo-Nazi terrorist group). NSU murdered nine Turks, one Greek and a German policewoman. Two bombings in Cologne, and a series of 15 armed robberies. Two other members died after bungled bank robbery.

5 Martin McGuinness – former MP
Martin McGuinness – former MP. Since 2007 Deputy First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Northern Ireland Education Minister. Convicted of membership of the IRA in Former Northern Commander of IRA and it is claimed that he was responsible for hundreds of murders. At one time known as “The Butcher of Bogside”

6 Nicky Davison – member of white-supremist, anti-Semitic organisation Aryan Strike Force.
Convicted (along with his father, Ian) of manufacture and possession of ricin in May They had also manufactured pipe-bombs.

7 Nelson Mandela – President of South Africa, 1994 – 1999.
Joint winner of Nobel Peace Prize, 1993 At his trial in February 1964 Mandela admitted sabotage but denied he and his co-accused had ever agreed to initiate a guerrilla war against the government. Sentence to life imprisonment, spent 18 years on Robben Island high security prison.

8 Muriel Degauque, believed to be the first European female suicide bomber.
Converted from Catholicism to Islam in 2001. A 38 year old Belgian national, she travelled to Baghdad in November Blew herself up in an attack on an American military convoy. Killed five Iraqis.

9 Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski – also known as “The Unabomber”.
Mailed sixteen parcel bombs to scientists and others over seventeen years in the USA. Killed three people and injured twenty-three. Charged with murder and mailing bombs he pleaded guilty.

10 Ulrike Meinhof – co-founder with husband Andreas Baader of German terrorist group Red Army Fraction (alsoknown as Baader Meinhof Group). Bombed US Army bases, police stations and assassinated individuals in the 1970s. More than 30 people killed by their actions. Put on trial, she committed suicide before it was completed.

11 Shaker Aamer – last British prisoner in Guantánamo Bay.
Never charged, tried or convicted. 13 years in prison. Despite President Obama’s promise to close Guantánamo and lobbying from UK MPs, he has not been released.

12 Dylann Roof. Alleged Charleston killer
Dylann Roof. Alleged Charleston killer. Charged with nine counts of murder, one for each person killed. He also faces a weapons charge. No terrorism charges. If convicted he will be referred to as a “mass murderer”.

13 Patty Hearst, granddaughter of US multi-millionaire publisher, William Randolph Hearst.
In 1974 Hearst was abducted by a left-wing terrorist group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army. She reappeared months latter and took part in a bank robbery. Also planted bombs. Eventually arrested, tried and convicted on charges of bank robbery and using a firearm. On arrest claimed to be an Urban Guerrilla.

14 Liam Lyburd who was found guilty of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court earlier this year. During the trial, the jury heard that he told police he intended to "shoot a bunch of people" and blow up Newcastle College.

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