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THE Economy (part II). The workforce  Unlike the past, the majority of British population works in the services sectors nowadays. Only a minority is.

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Presentation on theme: "THE Economy (part II). The workforce  Unlike the past, the majority of British population works in the services sectors nowadays. Only a minority is."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE Economy (part II)

2 The workforce  Unlike the past, the majority of British population works in the services sectors nowadays. Only a minority is still employed in industry and agriculture.  Consequently there is a decrease in manual jobs.  A considerable part of the workforce consists of women, about 52%, yet half of them still suffer from unequal job conditions, despite many campaigns fought to achieve equality.

3  During the 60s as a result of many female protests Equal Pay Acts and the Sex Discrimination Act were created.  The Equal Opportunities Act monitors the legislation about this matter.  However there are still several female occupational problems.

4  Though many jobs were created during the 2000s, unemployment still remains particulary high in Northeast England and Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  Young people and the apprenticeship system.  The new trend is to make the workforce more mobile and flexible in order to create more job availability.

5  Despite unemployment, London is still a fundamental business centre for financial activities.  The City of London, the London Stock Exchange and many other institutions founded between the 16 th and 18 th made England prosperous.  The Bank of England, UK’s central bank, although it has been an independent institution since 1997, its governor and directors are appointed by the government.  The “Big Bang” in the Stock Exchange (1986).

6 The trade unions  The trade unions were constitutionally recognized in 1871. Previous similar organizations called “social clubs” were formed to deal with workers’ problems like sickness and unemployment.  Nowadays there are about 167 trade unions and professional associations which represent both blue and white collars.  Members of the unions generally pay an annual subscription.

7  There are different approaches to the trade unions by the two major political parties especially about strike action  The latter is still considered as an important political means to fight possible abuses.  While according to critics, strike can seriously damage a business activity and delay the work.

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