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1 Special pumps


3 models CENTRIFUGAL VERTICAL PUMP Kaiman/alligatore/Drafin/Sula
CENTRIFUGAL HORIZONTAL PUMP scirocco/grecale/aliseo/tornado/monsone SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS All the centrifugal vertical pumps model could be supplied as submersible type too. MULTISTAGE PUMPS 50 MSV/8-50 MSV/14-50 MSV/20

4 Vertical pumps POMPE VERTICALI
Technical characteristics Tesimag centrifugal vertical pumps consist mainly of a suction strainer, impeller and casing. Suction strainer provides to evenly convoy the fluid threads to the impeller inlet with neither vortices or sudden speed changes. Impeller is balanced either hydraulically or dynamically, made by steel covered by abrasion proof rubber or special hard alloy according to applications. Pumps casing made on high quality cast iron is covered inside by abrasion-proof rubber Vertical pumps POMPE VERTICALI

5 Marble, granite and stone cutting plants
The shaft line is guided by self-lubricating rolling bearings housed into cast iron boxes The motor frame is a sturdy cast iron plate construction, with lasrge windows giving access to the coupling joint. Applications: Marble, granite and stone cutting plants General discharge services at marble, iron mettalurgy, chemical, industrial, paper mill, ceramic factories

6 Horizontal pumps The horizontal pumps series are centrifugal type.
The pump consists of an impeller, shaft and pumps bodies Horizontal pumps

7 Impeller is of open type hydraulically and dynamically balanced
Impeller is of open type hydraulically and dynamically balanced. The blade profile provides high efficiency. Impeller is made by hard alloy material abrasion-proof Pumps body made in high quality cast iron is covered inside by abrasion proof rubber. Self -cooling mechanical seal : some pumps model are equipped with self-cooling system

8 Pumps body and internal parts covered by abrasion proof rubber.
Direct coupling between axle and motor protection IP 68 Applicazioni Estrazione e trasferimento fanghi, sabbie e liquidi fortemente carichi e abrasivi da pozzi e vasche. Alimentazione acque cariche a silos di sedimentazione, omogeneizzazione e trasferimento latte di calce Submersible pumps

9 Multistage pumps MSV pumps type are vertical centrifugal multistage . The shaft is supported by motor bearing and coupling joint and has an friction proof rubber bushing. The body consists of several components and diffusers whose tightness is assured by o-ring packing which are completely inserted in their housing. The pump is equipped with a special seal which is suitable for operating with abrasive fluids. Multistage pump could be installed on a selfd supporting unit named Cormoskid-1 or 2 according to the quantity and pressure required. Cormoskid unit works automatically and has the advantages to be able to works with recycled water.

10 Photo gallery

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