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T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 1 ECAL in CRUZET CRUZET Data Analysis Jamboree 30 May 2008 Toyoko Orimoto California Institute of Technology On behalf of the.

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1 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 1 ECAL in CRUZET CRUZET Data Analysis Jamboree 30 May 2008 Toyoko Orimoto California Institute of Technology On behalf of the ECAL prompt feedback group

2 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 2 ECAL Prompt Feedback Group T. Orimoto, A. Bornheim (Caltech) K. Kaadze (KSU) S. Chang (Uni. Kyungpook) J. Fay (IPNL Lyon) F. DeGuio, P. Govoni (Uni Milano/INFN) S. Cooper, J. Haupt, J. Zhang, V Rekovic (Uni. Minnesota) P. Paganini (LLR) A. Palma, C. Doglioni (Uni. Rome/INFN) N. Cartiglia, A. Gozzelino, S. Oggero (Uni Torino/INFN) And others have joined since CRUZET!

3 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 3 ECAL in CRUZET Since CRUZET, have processed all good ECAL cosmics events.. 24M! ECAL barrel fully readout for most of the time, 36/36 supermodules –Aside from some LV issues, ECAL readout has been clean through CRUZET Successful “prompt” analysis –By Friday of CRUZET, had analyzed ~14M events. Now continuing with further analysis of CRUZET data: –Cosmics analysis, now starting to look at track association with muon system –Analysis of high energy events –Study of problematic channels –Laser data analysis –Cosmic intercalibration with CRUZET statistics

4 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 4 Cosmics in ECAL: Event Displays Run 43566, Event 37324 Triggered by DT High Energy Event: 288 GeV in one cluster of 25 crystals 288 GeV Cluster, 25 xtals DT hits Reco Track

5 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 5 Cosmics in ECAL: Event Displays Run 43588, Event 121626 Triggered by ECAL & DT More event displays: http://test- cruzetvisualization.web.cer CRUZETVisualization/ 16 GeV Cluster 17 xtals HCAL (with E cut of 1 GeV) 1 GeV Cluster

6 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 6 Cosmic selection, based on clusters: 1 xtal with >135 MeV or two neighboring xtals with > 45 MeV each Then take the 5x5 of the crystals and build a Basic Cluster. Efficiency of cosmic cluster selection is ~14% Cluster energy spectra (All plots are for 24M events analyzed, unless otherwise specified) Cosmics selection in ECAL Energy to 200 GeV

7 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 7 ECAL Cosmic Occupancy Looking at the promptly-produced offline processing, HV issue was noticed and subsequently fixed.. S. Cooper, J. Haupt, T. Orimoto HV prob Masked TT (Maximum forced to 2x10 2 ) TOP BOTTOM EB+ EB-

8 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 8 ECAL Cosmic Occupancy with L1 Occupancy for events which pass “cosmic” selection, also selecting on L1 bits. Inclusive Trigger (no requirement on other subsystem trigger) ECAL Trigger DT Trigger RPC Trigger

9 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 9 Track Association Coming soon. S. Cooper, F. DeGuio, C. Doglioni, T. Orimoto

10 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 10 High Energy Events ~5k clusters w/ E>10 GeV (~100 clusters w/ E>200GeV) Possible sources: Showering muons Muon catastrophic Bremsstrahlung Deep inelastic scattering Created “high energy” skim to collect events which contain at least one cluster with E>10 GeV Show here: Occupancy of high E clusters Num of xtals in high E clusters (Basic Clusters, so max is 25. Average is 16 xtals.) Further analysis ongoing C. Doglioni, A. Gozzelino S. Oggero, T. Orimoto

11 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 11 ECAL Timing Mean timing (pulse peak position - 6) in modules in (iphi,ieta), for events which pass cosmic selection (TT binning) S. Cooper, J. Haupt, T. Orimoto Top earlier Bottom later

12 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 12 ECAL Timing ECAL signal: 10 samples, 3 pedestal, ideally peak is at 6th sample Timing = pulse peak position - 6 Divided by trigger type: “Exclusive” trigger (no trigger from other systems) S. Cooper, J. Haupt, T. Orimoto ECAL triggered Mean 1.5 RMS 1.0 DTTriggered Mean 0.4 RMS 0.7 RPCtriggered Mean 0.9 RMS 0.5 ALL events Mean 0.54 RMS 0.70 (Timing throughout CRUZET, close to optimal) Confirm HCAL: ECAL is 2 clocks off

13 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 13 ECAL Timing Run 43637: at end of CRUZET, with GT latency set to correct for ECAL timing… Moved 2 bunch crossings so ECAL is aligned Timing for earlier run 43431: Timing for run 43637, after correction: Mean = 1.7 RMS = 0.6 Mean = 0.4 RMS = 0.6 ECAL timing looks much better now. S. Cooper

14 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 14 ECAL Laser Data in Gap Sequence First successful laser data in gap event sequence Run 43625: 34 SM Timing from laser data: –50ns overall scale. <1ns variance inside TT, ~15ns variance between SMs –Intra SM spread -- can be corrected –Pattern of 2 SMs.. (still to be understood) J. Haupt Time of pulse peak vs FED.TT Laser timing by xtal Red: corrected for differences in laser cable lengths

15 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 15 ECAL Laser Data: Timing Correct intra-SM differences in timing in cosmic data, using laser data –Compute average timing for each SM & compute difference between each TT in SM and the average… then correct cosmic data with these correction factors J. Haupt Before laser correction After laser correction

16 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 16 ECAL Problematic Channels Problematic channels list produced using information about known hardware problems, as well as “hot” channels seen during and since GRUMM with cosmic and pedestal data (channel status map now in DB) Dedicated analyses deployed to study “problematic” channels not previously seen C. Doglioni, A. Palma Reconstructed amplitudes (weights method) w/ and w/o masked channels: Clearly noisy areas, still to be fully understood…

17 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 17 ECAL Trigger Primitives Study was done on the trigger occupancy from ECAL trigger primitives (P. Paganini). This led to a list of trigger towers to be masked. With this in place, a top- bottom coincidence ECAL trigger was deployed (1Hz when threshold set to 250 MeV). Something from Pascal?

18 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 18 Conclusions Cosmic analysis. All data available as of last night processed. Already closely investigating trigger and instrumental patterns. High energy events: several k of > 10GeV clusters.. Study ongoing. ECAL trigger: top-bottom coincidence deployed ECAL timing: Shifted 2 BX, now looks OK. Studies with laser timing. Laser: Successful laser data taking in gap event sequence Cosmic Intercalibration with CRUZET data: Analysis started… More plots, linked from our PFG wiki pages: Getting ready for CRUZET-II: blah blah blah Grateful to ECAL P5-commissioning and DAQ teams for helpful discussions!

19 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 19 Zero Suppression of ECAL After considering feedback from GRUMM, zero-suppression threshold of 7 (1.75 ADC counts) applied throughout CRUZET A. Palma Amplitudes reco’d with weights method Fraction of digis with amp >= emulated 0-supp threshold ZS=7 (1.75 ADC counts)

20 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 20 ECAL Triggering history run 43307: only ECAL triggers with EB-, single EM trigger TT theshold=20 run 43308: only ECAL triggers with EB+, single EM trigger TT theshold=20 after run 43308: muons trigger only run 43431 and later: muon triggers+ECAL triggers with top-bottom configuration. TT threshold=25 run 43488 and later: muon triggers+ECAL triggers with top-bottom configuration. TT theshold=20 run 43545: only ECAL triggers with top-bottom configuration. TT threshold=20 run 43547: HCAL provides the trigger with a top-bottom configuration run 43548: only ECAL triggers with top-bottom configuration. TT threshold=25 later runs: same as 43548+muon triggers

21 T. Orimoto, ECAL in CRUZET 21 RPC near side, YB0 & YB1 DT = all wheels; 3.or.4.or.5.or.9.or.10.or.11; at least 2 chambers ECAL = EB+.or.EB-; (5.or.6)&(14.or.15) RPC = YB0.or.YB1; 10.or.11.or.12.or.1.or.2.or.3; at least 3 rolls CSC =ME1+,4+; almost all chambers Triggering Scheme

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