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Canadian Evaluation Society Vancouver 2003 Fit Between Health of Populations, Individual Citizens and Publicly Funded Health Services Dr. Ronald A Dovell.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Evaluation Society Vancouver 2003 Fit Between Health of Populations, Individual Citizens and Publicly Funded Health Services Dr. Ronald A Dovell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Evaluation Society Vancouver 2003 Fit Between Health of Populations, Individual Citizens and Publicly Funded Health Services Dr. Ronald A Dovell

2 Policies and interventions at the individual and societal levels Adpated from: Kindig and Stoddart AJPH, 2003 Health outcomes and distribution in a population (dependent variables) Patterns of health determinants over the life course (independent variables)

3 Measure Population Health Status Base Decisions On Evidence health status determinants interventions Increase Upstream Investments Multiple Strategies Public Involvement Intersectoral Collaboration Accountability for Outcomes GOALS  Improve health of populations  Decrease health status inequities Analysis of Health Issue Priority Setting Taking Action Evaluating Results Stronger Evidence / Knowledge Development Population Health Key Elements Analyze Determinants of Health Population Health Key ElementsGeneric Process Steps

4 Raphael, 2003

5 Deaths in British Columbia: Year 2000

6 Cost by Diagnostic Category, Canada 1998

7 Top Five Risk Factors Data: World Health Report, 2002 DALY = disability adjusted life years


9 Consistency of measurement

10 Safety practices Tobacco Alcohol

11 N = 13,278 custom calculation from the HBSC survey, World Health Organization


13 Logistic Regression of Four Behavioural Variables Been drunk tasted alcohol use of bike helmet use of seat belt Nagelkerke R square:.564 Note: The odds ratio for smoking and consuming hashish or marijuana = 61 N = 13,278 custom calculation from the HBSC survey, World Health Organization

14 Society and Health: Where are We Now? Social Determinants of Health Individual Health and Illness “Individual Lifestyle Choices” Raphael, 2003

15 Iceberg(s) Model Observe and Measure Context and Determinants Dovell, RA Population Health Conference, 2002 Seat belts Tobacco Alcohol

16 Iceberg(s) Model Observe and Measure Dovell, RA Population Health Conference, 2002 Seat belts Tobacco Alcohol Patterns of determinants

17 Tobacco AlcoholSafety Social context

18 Tobacco AlcoholSafety Social context Data linkage

19 Population Health

20 Health as a resource to achieve aspirations!!

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