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MAT ADVISING Spring 2016 Website

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Presentation on theme: "MAT ADVISING Spring 2016 Website"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT ADVISING Spring 2016

2 Website

3 MAT LISTSERV Go to Fill in your information (your preferred email) in the Subscribing to MAT section Hit “Submit” When you get your confirmation email, please hit “reply” and “send.” You don’t have to enter anything. Just open a reply box and hit send

4 MAT LISTSERV If you have already registered and are not receiving e-mails, please go in and re- register. The listserv has been having some issues since the conversion to Gmail.

5 Check the MAT Website You are responsible for the program requirements posted on the website. Your viewing of this screencast indicates that you understand this requirement. Notice MAT Important Information Contract (1 st page of quiz)  Maintain 3.0 or better GPA  All classes finished before internship

6 UCA Email Check your UCA email!


8 On-Line Classes Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Check Blackboard BEFORE the first day of classes. You may have an assignment due on the first day of classes. Some on-line classes have chat sessions and on-campus meetings – Check the schedule.

9 Course Selection Spring 2016 schedules available on- line Check for “special notes” before enrolling in courses Always double check class dates/times in Banner. That is the most up-to-date schedule.



12 Course Selection and/or

13 How to Register Go to and sign in.

14 How to Register Click on Self-Service then Student & Financial Aid.

15 How to Register Click on Registration then Registration – add/drop classes. You will then be able to select the term and search for classes you want to take.

16 MAT 5310 and 5320  Prerequisites to all other courses. MAT 6699  Internship  Taken LAST Course Selection

17 Spring 2016 ITEC 6368 - Business Technology FACS 5310 or 6300 - Family & Consumer Sciences MATH 6307 - Mathematics BIOL 6395 listed as 6V95 - Biology Summer 2016 ART 5360 and ART 5361 both in Summer II ITEC 6368 in Summer I and 10 Week MATH 6380 in Summer II BIOL 6395 listed as 6V95 in Summer II WLAN 5315 and WLAN 5330 both in May Intercession Content Elective Courses (7-12 Licenses)

18 Please e-mail Amy Thompson,, if you need a content methods course that is not listed.

19 Suggestions 6 hours a semester Fall and Spring No more than 12 hours Fall and Spring No more than 12 hours in the summer

20 Suggestions Heavy courses should not be taken concurrently MAT 6310 MAT 6311 ASTL 6380

21 Please Note 6 hours – required for financial aid 6 hours is not full time

22 Spring 2016 MAT 5390: Practicum  REQUIRED orientation meeting – ONLINE MAT 6699: Internship  REQUIRED placement meeting - ONLINE  REQUIRED orientation meeting – ONLINE  Forms  Check UCA e-mail for assignment Spring 2016 and Summer 2015 MAT 6314: Reading Difficulties  Spring – Work with reading center  Summer – Find your own student and video Field Experiences

23 Background Check After registration in the Practicum course, you will be e-mailed the forms to complete and return. Student Connect - Cost is $10. Submit payment AFTER you receive an e- mail from Student Connect. Be sure to check SPAM folder These MUST be completed before ANY field.

24 Internship Teacher of Record is our preference. PAID Internship in your OWN classroom Placed Interns – Passing Praxis II scores are due with internship application packets. If you’re placed:  Paperwork  2-3 all day on-campus meetings throughout the semester  $250 fee

25 Internship  Placed Interns: No cold calling or setting up internship or practicum placements before attending practicum orientation or the internship placement meetings. Many districts require us to go through human resources.  Those with jobs: Praxis 2 scores are due by January 7 th.

26 Important Dates for Internship Placement Tuesday, October 27th  Video will be available online  For those needing Spring '16 placement Friday, November 13 th at 4:30pm  Placement forms due! [See MAT website AFTER THE VIDEO.]  If you’re not sure, submit the forms and withdraw if hired.

27 Important Internship Note Please do not register for internship because you plan to have a job. This does not give us accurate internship numbers. Please only register for internship IF:  You have submitted a placement packet  You have a job as a teacher of record in your own classroom

28 Petition for Candidacy If you started the MAT program after May 2014, the UCA Graduate School has removed the requirement that candidates complete the Petition for Candidacy form. Candidates are now required to track their own progress in their program of study through the DEGREE WORKS link of the MyUCA portal.

29 Program Changes Praxis test changes are always ongoing. Keep your eye on the listserv.

30 PRAXIS – ETS Website Which Praxis Do I Take?

31 Praxis I Corepass by end of your first semester Praxis II CONTENTpass before internship or prior to applying for provisional Praxis II PEDAGOGY (Principles of Learning and Teaching) take during internship Praxis

32 Praxis I Core Please note:  MUST be passed by the end of your first semester  NO MORE lifting of the holds/”extensions”  Use UCA recipient code 6012

33 “Praxis I” “Praxis II”

34 “Old” tests (5710, 5720, and 5730) honored until September 2016 (if the test was taken prior to Sept 1, 2013). You may NO LONGER take the PPST for admission. If you did take/pass only SOME of the "old" PPST tests (if the test was taken prior to Sept 1, 2013), those tests will be honored, but any new tests you take must be the "Core" required Praxis tests. Praxis Changes – Praxis I Core "Test codes are provided for your information. Always verify correct codes on the "Arkansas requirements" section of the ETS website."

35 Old TestNew Test New Test # Score 5141 (5142) English5047164 5141 (5143) Math5169165 5141 (5144) Social Studies 5089149 5141 (5145) Science5440150 You must pass 2 of the 4 content areas. If you took and passed the “old” test (5141), those scores will be honored until September 2016 (if the test was taken prior to Sept 1, 2013). Praxis Changes Praxis II – Middle School "Test codes are provided for your information. Always verify correct codes on the "Arkansas requirements" section of the ETS website."

36 Praxis Changes Praxis II TestCurrent Version New VersionNew Cut Score Arkansas Launch Date FACS512151221539/1/15 Chemistry52451509/1/15 Physics52651359/1/15 Computer Science 56511716/1/15

37 Praxis Changes Praxis II P-4 Those in our program must take and pass the test by August 2016.

38 Praxis Changes Praxis II Science Licensure Changes Starting in fall 2015, candidates applying for Physical Science Licensure grades 7-12 will take the Physics (5265) or Chemistry (5245) exam. Programs for Physical Science License will be discontinued in August 2016. Candidates enrolled prior to that date will be allowed to complete the program for Physical Science licensure. Physics and Chemistry will also be available as an endorsement to a current license by testing out starting in fall 2015.

39 Testing Up/Down Chart available on the MAT website No longer P-4. Now it’s K-6. Effective 9/1/15 Subtests in math/reading/science/social studies Must pass ALL subtests Can retake individual subtests Best to hold off until AFTER the initial license Changes are made (Ex: P-4 to K-6) NO grace period unlike initial licensure areas

40 Up to $5,000 of your tuition paid Commit to doing field and work for 3 years in a partnership district Middle School or Secondary: Math, Science, or English P3T Grant

41 Little Rock North Little Rock Carlisle Clarksville Dollarway El Dorado Harrison Jasper Pine Bluff Watson Chapel West Memphis White Hall Arkansas School for the Deaf Partnership Districts Interested? Contact

42 Additional Incentives Teaching in a High Priority District s/Legal/Legal- Current%20Rules/ade_278%20recruitment %20and%20retention%20- %20april%202012.pdf s/Legal/Legal- Current%20Rules/ade_278%20recruitment %20and%20retention%20- %20april%202012.pdf

43 Provisional License All information (checklist) on MAT website Must pass Praxis II and be continuously enrolled We don’t process until you have been offered a job. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to follow up on background checks to ensure your license is processed!

44 Arkansas IDEAS ArkansasIDEAS has a new Learning Management Software (LMS). Launched June 1, 2015 Everyone needs a new account Must have a background check on file with ADE before creating an ArkansasIDEAS account OR Contact ArkansasIDEAS and let them know you’re an MAT student from UCA

45 Arkansas History Required for licensure for P-4, middle level, and secondary social studies licensure areas. Now you can take for FREE at Arkansas Ideas.

46 Other Communication Twitter - @ucamat Facebook – UCA MAT Email – Ms. Melissa Earls: MAT Program Advisor – Mrs. Amy Thompson: MAT Program Coordinator – Ms. Laura Kendrick: MAT Secretary–

47 Register ASAP! Register on the first day that you are allowed. Some classes will fill up quickly! EVERYONE IN MAT Monday, October 26 If a class is full and you REALLY need it, call or email Ms. Laura: MAT Secretary and ask to be put on the WAIT-LIST

48 Before you can register…. You must take the Qualtrics survey. Then, Ms. Earls will check the list daily and lift your hold.

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