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The Human Processing and Memory
Human Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed. Dix, Finlay, Abowd, and Beale Chapter 1
Model Human Processor + Attention Recall, “purely and engineering abstraction”
Sensory store Rapid decay “buffer” to hold sensory input for later processing Perceptual processor Recognizes symbols, phonemes Aided by LTM Cognitive processor Uses recognized symbols Makes comparisons and decisions Problem solving Interacts with LTM and WM Motor processor Input from cog. proc. for action Instructs muscles Feedback Results of muscles by senses Attention Allocation of resources
Overview Will look at elements of human information processing from a slightly different orientation than “engineering abstraction” A bit more fine grained analysis, following from psychological studies But, it is these psychological studies from which the “engineering abstraction” is derived 3 stage model of human memory Iconic buffer, STM, LTM Models of LTM Reasoning Problem solving
Model Human Processor + Attention Recall, “purely and engineering abstraction”
Sensory store Rapid decay “buffer” to hold sensory input for later processing Perceptual processor Recognizes symbols, phonemes Aided by LTM Cognitive processor Uses recognized symbols Makes comparisons and decisions Problem solving Interacts with LTM and WM Motor processor Input from cog. proc. for action Instructs muscles Feedback Results of muscles by senses Attention Allocation of resources
3-Stage Model of Human Memory
Sensory (here, iconic) memory – “very” short term memory lasts 1-2 seconds, infinite capacity Short-term memory (Working memory) lasts ~ 18 seconds, holds 1.75 (7+/-2 items) Long-term memory infinite capacity; short of damage is permanent Recall vs. Recognition (Remember vs. Know) Retrieval cues Will demonstrate later in class …
“Executive” - Attention
Central “executive” controls tasking Pays, or allocates, attention Bandwidth of attention is limited Tasks that require the same resources interfere with one another Attention is both a low-level and high-level property of vision
Sensory Memory: “Very” Short Term Memory
Sensory buffers for stimuli received through senses iconic memory: visual stimuli echoic memory: aural stimuli haptic memory: tactile stimuli Examples “sparkler” trail stereo sound Continuously overwritten – demo follows
A Test – of Visual Iconic Memory
Will present figure briefly (~1/2 second) Try to remember as many elements as you can Write them down
The Phenomenon After presentation, did you continue to “see” the items? Some purely physiological based “seeing”: Afterimage Bleaching of pigments “bright, or colored, stuff” But also, there is a more “memory-based” image (process further downstream in memory system) Iconic memory “dark, or veridical, stuff” Reading from the iconic buffer
Reading from the Iconic Buffer, 1
Typically can list 3 – 7 items named Short lived visual, or iconic, buffer holds the image for a second or two Read images and place in STM 3-stage model Can get about 5-7 items until run out of short term (working) memory capacity Limitation of 5-7 comes from: Decay of iconic memory Rate can read from visual buffer Capacity of working memory In each fixation between saccadic eye movements, image of world captured Set of miscellaneous symbols
Reading from the Iconic Buffer, 2
Again, Limitation of 7 comes from: Decay of iconic memory Rate can read from visual buffer Capacity of working memory From each image, brain must identify objects, match them with objects previously perceived, and take information into working memory for symbolic analysis Search light model of attention (for vision) Visual information is acquired by pointing fovea at regions of visual field that are interesting Then using a scanning process in which objects are read from an image buffer from more extensive processing Set of miscellaneous symbols
Attention Spotlight metaphor Visual dominance:
Spotlight moves serially from one input channel to another Can focus attention (and perceptual processor) on only one input channel at a time Location in visual field, voice in auditory field, …, anything Visual dominance: Easier to attend to visual channels than auditory channels All stimuli within spotlighted channel are processed in parallel Whether you want to or not Can cause “interference” - demo
Say the Colors of the Words
Easy enough – didn’t take too long
Say the Colors of the Words
Took longer … Stroop effect For design: Choose secondary characteristics of display to reinforce message
Again, Human Memory Stages
Sensory (here, iconic) memory lasts 1-2 seconds, infinite capacity Short-term memory (Working memory) lasts ~ 18 seconds, holds 1.75 (7+/-2 items) Long-term memory infinite capacity; short of damage is permanent Recall vs. Recognition (Remember vs. Know) Retrieval cues
Short-Term Memory (STM)
“Scratch-pad” (or buffer) for temporary recall rapid access ~ 70ms rapid decay ~ 200ms limited capacity - 7± 2 chunks Chunking, recoding, etc. affects amount of information retained, entering LTM
Example - Chunking HEC ATR ANU PTH ETR EET
Long-term Memory (LTM)
Repository for all our knowledge slow access ~ 1/10 second slow decay, if any huge or unlimited capacity Episodic and semantic memory Episodic (episodes): Serial memory of events Semantic (“meanings”): Structured memory of facts, concepts, skills Also, procedural and declarative memory “Processes” vs. “facts”
LTM – Models of Semantic Memory
Semantic memory structure Contains LTM knowledge of world Provides access to information Generic knowledge -- specific details lost Represents relationships between bits of information Important for rule-based behavior Supports inference Many models, theories, accounts, schemata proposed Semantic network model (example next slide): E.g., Inheritance – child nodes inherit properties of parent nodes Relationships between bits of information explicit Supports inference through inheritance Other Models (examples follow): Scripts, frames, production rules
Early Model of Semantic Memory Collins and Quillian
Collins & Quillian’s Teachable Language Comprehender Semantic memory is organized as a network of interrelated concepts Each concept is represented as a node Concepts are linked together by pathways Economy of representation Activation of one concept spreads to interconnected nodes Remind you of anything from computer science?
Early Model of Semantic Memory Collins and Quillian
Collins & Quillian’s Teachable Language Comprehender
Early Model of Semantic Memory Collins and Quillian
Spreading Activation Working memory is activated LTM When a concept becomes active, activation spreads to all other interconnected nodes Activation spreads to all related nodes How do you evaluate sentences like “Is a robin is an animal”?
Early Model of Semantic Memory Collins and Quillian
Spreading Activation Activation spreads from each of the concept nodes (Robin & Animal) When two spreading activations meet, an intersection is formed Robins ==> BIRD <== Animals If no intersection, relatively fast no If intersection, decision stage operates to determine if sentence is valid Is a robin an animal?
Tests of Spreading Activation
Sentence verification task Time to respond yes or no Takes time for activation to spread Greater distances ==> longer RT Verification time for items 0, 1, and 2 links
But, it’s not that simple ...
E.g. typicality effects - how many links separate: A canary is a bird? A robin is a bird? A chicken is a bird? An ostrich is a bird? But, RT varied - less typical birds took longer than more typical birds
FYI - Semantic Relatednes and Semantic Priming
Semantic relatedness Spreading activation between related concepts Activation of one concept partially activates semantically related concepts Semantic priming Stimulus 1 ==> Stimulus 2 (Prime) ==> (Probe) Test spreading activation by manipulating semantic relationship between prime & probe Concepts linked by spreading activation Prime: Probe: Doctor Nurse Bread Butter Doctor Butter Bread Nurse Sometimes prime facilitates processing
FYI - Semantic Relatednes
Recall, semantic relatedness Spreading activation between related concepts Activation of one concept partially activates semantically related concepts So, can focus on relatedness, without explicitly indicating links
Spreading Activation - Fin
Semantic priming commonplace Can exploit in design Indeed, in design can exploit all information about how human operates Spreading activation is thought to be automatic Governed by data-driven aspects of processing How do expectancies affect semantic access? Automatic vs Conscious Strategies (attentional) Fast vs Slow Effortless vs Effortful Benefits vs Costs & Benefits
Fyi – Another semantic network
Models of LTM – Frames, or Schemata
COLLIE Fixed breed of: DOG type: sheepdog Default size: 65 cm Variable colour Information organized in “memorial data structures” Schemata Stored frameworks or body of knowledge Conceptual framework for interpreting information Biased information processing to relate new material to what we already know Alters way we perceive things Individual differences in perception and memory Frames Slots in structure instantiated with values for instance of data Type–subtype relationships DOG Fixed legs: 4 Default diet: carniverous sound: bark Variable size: colour
Script for a visit to the vet
Models of LTM - Scripts Model of stereotypical information required to interpret situation Script has elements that can be instantiated with values for context Script for a visit to the vet Entry conditions: dog ill vet open owner has money Result: dog better owner poorer vet richer Props: examination table medicine instruments Roles: vet examines diagnoses treats owner brings dog in pays takes dog out Scenes: arriving at reception waiting in room examination paying Tracks: dog needs medicine dog needs operation
Models of LTM - Production Rules
Representation of procedural knowledge. Condition/action rules if condition is matched then use rule to determine action. IF dog is wagging tail, THEN pat dog IF dog is growling, THEN run away
LTM - Storage of information
LTM much studied in psychology: Rehearsal information moves from STM to LTM Total time hypothesis amount retained proportional to rehearsal time Distribution of practice effect optimized by spreading learning over time Structure, meaning and familiarity information easier to remember
LTM - Forgetting Decay Interference
information is lost gradually but very slowly Interference new information replaces old: retroactive interference old may interfere with new: proactive inhibition So, ... may not forget at all, memory is selective …! Also, affected by emotion – can subconsciously `choose' to forget
LTM - Retrieval Should be familiar from heuristics ... Recall
information reproduced from memory can be assisted by cues, e.g. categories, imagery Recognition information gives knowledge that it has been seen before less complex than recall - information is cue
Thinking – Cognitive Processing
Humans reason, process information, like, well, humans Recall, any theory is an abstraction and, thus, captures some elements of phenomenon, and misses others Question is … Is the account (theory, model) useful in the context and for the purpose for which it is used?
Thinking – Cognitive Processing
Humans reason, process information, like, well, humans Recall, any theory is an abstraction and, thus, captures some elements of phenomenon, and misses others Question is … Is the account (theory, model) useful in the context and for the purpose for which it is used? Basic forms of reasoning, or, forming inferences, are useful in understanding broad outlines of human cognition Deduction Induction Abduction Problem solving Gestalt Problem Space Analogy Skill acquisition
Reasoning Deduction: Induction: Abduction:
derive logically necessary conclusion from given premises e.g., If it is Friday, then she will go to work - It is Friday, therefore she will go to work Logical conclusion not necessarily true: e.g., If it is raining, then the ground is dry - It is raining, therefore the ground is dry Induction: Generalize from cases seen to cases unseen e.g., All elephants we have seen have trunks - therefore all elephants have trunks. Unreliable (but useful): Can only prove false not true Abduction: Reasoning from event to cause e.g., Sam drives fast when drunk. If I see Sam driving fast, assume drunk. Unreliable: can lead to false explanations
Induction vs. Deduction
Deduction: Formulate hypothesis first, then test hypothesis Via experiment and accept/reject Data collection more targeted than in induction Only limited data mining opportunities Mueller, 2003
Induction vs. Deduction
Induction: Make observations first, then draw conclusions Organized data survey (structured analysis, visualization) of raw data provide basis for interpretation process Interpretation process will produce knowledge that is being sought Experience of individual scientist (observer) is crucial Important: selection of relevant data, collection method, and analysis method Data mining is an important knowledge discovery strategy ubiquitious data collection, filtering, classification, and focusing is crucial Mueller, 2003
Problem Solving Process of finding solution to unfamiliar task using knowledge Complex, time consuming process Selections not immediately obvious May require many steps May involve insight May use analogy Solutions often counterintuitive Several theories, or accounts Gestalt Problem solving both productive and reproductive Productive draws on insight and restructuring of problem Attractive but not enough evidence to explain “insight” etc. Move away from behaviourism and led towards information processing theories Others: Insight, Functional fixedness, Analogy
Problem Solving Cycle One schema – consider “task performance”
Insight Early - Kohler (a Gestalt psychologist) in Canary islands in WWI Studied problem solving in chimpanzees Sultan and the Banana: Learned how to get banana with longer pole Then given shorter poles that wouldn’t reach Flash of “insight”, Sultan put the poles together Sudden perception of useful or proper relations Solutions will sometimes “spring to mind” Pieces fall into place First attempts to solve don’t work Production hindered by unwarranted assumptions Insight occurs when the assumption is removed
Problem Solving (cont.)
Problem space theory Problem space comprises problem states Problem solving involves generating states using legal operators Heuristics may be employed to select operators e.g. means-ends analysis Operates within human information processing system e.g. STM limits etc. Largely applied to problem solving in well-defined areas e.g. puzzles rather than knowledge intensive areas
Problem Solving (cont.)
Analogy Analogical mapping: novel problems in new domain? use knowledge of similar problem from similar domain Analogical mapping difficult if domains are semantically different Skill acquisition – e.g., “expert” performance Skilled activity characterized by chunking lot of information is chunked to optimize STM Conceptual rather than superficial grouping of problems Information is structured more effectively
Individual Differences
Long term – Gender, physical and intellectual abilities Short term – Effect of stress or fatigue Changing – Age Dix says ask: Will design decision exclude section of user population? (or, more generally) How does design differentially affect sections of the population? i.e., Universal Usability
Card’s “Model Human Processor + Attention” is Similar to Ware (2004) Model
… one more model of cognitive (and visual) processing All are in fact much the same, but focus on different goals
Card’s “Model Human Processor + Attention” is Similar to Ware (2004) Model
… one more model of cognitive (and visual) processing All are in fact much the same, but focus on different goals Card model - context of predicting user performance E.g., set parameters and perform simulation Ware’s model includes much the same elements … But focuses on those which are most relevant for processing of visual information in context of task performance
Card’s “Model Human Processor + Attention” is Similar to Ware (2004) Model
Sensory store Rapid decay “buffer” to hold sensory input for later processing Perceptual processor Recognizes symbols, phonemes Aided by LTM Cognitive processor Uses recognized symbols Makes comparisons and decisions Problem solving Interacts with LTM and WM Motor processor Input from cog. proc. for action Instructs muscles Feedback Results of muscles by senses Attention Allocation of resources
A Model of Perceptual Processing Quick Overview
What we do is design information displays! An information processing (the dominant paradigm) model “Information” is transformed and processed Physical light does excite neurons, but at this “level of analysis” consider information Gives account to examine aspects important to visualization Here, clearly, many neural subsystems and mapping of neural to ip is pragmatic In spirit of visualization as evolving discipline, yet to develop its theories, laws, … Stage 1: Parallel processing to extract low-level properties of the visual scene Stage 2: Pattern perception Stage 3: Sequential goal-directed processing
Stage 1: Parallel Processing to Extract Low-level Properties of Visual Scene
(Very first) neurons fire Visual information 1st processed by large array of neurons in eye primary visual cortex at back of brain Individual neurons selectively tuned to certain kinds of information e.g., orientations of edges or color of light Evoked potential experiments In each subarea large arrays of neurons work in parallel extracting particular features of environment (stimulus)
Stage 1: Parallel Processing to Extract Low-level Properties of Visual Scene
At early stages, parallel processing proceeds involuntarily Largely independent of what choose to attend to (though not where look) Is rapid, If want people to understand information fast, should present in way so is easily detected by these large, fast computational systems in brain Stage 1 processing is: Rapid and parallel Entails extraction of features, orientation, color, texture, and movement patterns “transitory”, briefly held in iconic store Bottom up, data-driven
Stage 2: Pattern Perception
Rapid processes Divide visual field into regions and simple patterns, e.g., Continuous contours Regions of same color Regions of same texture … “Active”, but not conscious processes Specialized for object recognition Visual attention and memory E.g., for recognition must match features with memory Task performing will influence what perceived Bottom up nature of Stage 1, influenced by top down nature of Stage 3
Stage 2: Pattern Perception
Specialized for interacting with environment E.g., tasks involving eye-hand coordination “Two-visual system hypothesis” One system for locomotion and eye-hand coordination --- The “action system” One system for symbolic object manipulation --- The “what system” Characteristics: Slower serial processing Involvement of both working (vs. iconic) and long-term memory Both bottom up and top down More emphasis on arbitrary aspects of symbols than Stage 1 Top-down processing Different pathways for object recognition and visually guided motion
Stage 3: Sequential Goal-Directed Processing
At highest level of perception are the objects held in visual memory by demands of active attention To use an external visualization, we construct a sequence of visual queries that are answered through visual search strategies Only a few objects can be held in memory at a time They are constructed from available patterns providing answers to the visual queries
Stage 3: Sequential Goal-Directed Processing
They are constructed from available patterns providing answers to the visual queries E.g., if use a road map to look for a route, the visual query will trigger a search for connected red contours (representing major highways) between two visual symbols (representing cities) Are other subsystems, as well Visual object identification process interfaces with the verbal linguistic subsystems of the brain so that words can be connected to images The perception-for-action subsystem interfaces with the motor systems that contril muscle movements
End .
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