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 Founded by Muhammed, born c. 570 AD  Raised by uncle, worked in a store  At age 40, has dreams and the angel Gabriel appears to him at Mecca.

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Presentation on theme: " Founded by Muhammed, born c. 570 AD  Raised by uncle, worked in a store  At age 40, has dreams and the angel Gabriel appears to him at Mecca."— Presentation transcript:


2  Founded by Muhammed, born c. 570 AD  Raised by uncle, worked in a store  At age 40, has dreams and the angel Gabriel appears to him at Mecca

3  Gabriel says he has been chosen by God to be his prophet.  Continues to give him revelations, the basis for the Koran.  Develops a few followers, but his message of one God, Allah, and of helping those less fortunate alienates people

4  An assassination attempt causes him to flee to Medina.  A war develops between his followers in Medina and an army from Mecca. His group wins, and they return to Mecca.  He says no further “jihads.”  Dies in 632

5  He didn’t claim to be a messiah, just a prophet sent by God to complete (and correct) God’s message.  The “people of the book”—Christians whom Satan has caused to misunderstand the revelations from God

6  All Muslims are not Arabs.  All Muslims are not terrorists.  Split in the religion over who should lead Islam:  Shi’ites: claimed Muhammed’s descendants should They are the minority (15%) and the group from which the fringe terrorists come (like bin Laden)  Sunni: The community should pick their religious leaders Majority (85%)

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8  Prayer 5 times a day  “There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet”  Fasting (Ramadan)  Alms giving (to the poor)  Hajj—pilgrimage to Mecca



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14  The place where Abraham took Isaac to sacrifice  The temple (built by Solomon)  The Western Wall  Site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection  An important Christian church, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre  Place where Muhammed ascended to heaven to speak to God  Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque

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