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KIN 103.  A code of ethics in teaching is a way of keeping professional behavior and values in your classroom. It is a guide of standards that as a teacher.

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1 KIN 103

2  A code of ethics in teaching is a way of keeping professional behavior and values in your classroom. It is a guide of standards that as a teacher you can abide by. This is important to a teacher because it is a contract with oneself to keep their values in place in the classroom. These values will help you become a great teacher now and in the future.

3  A health and physical education teacher needs honesty in the gym and in the classroom. Honesty is needed for communication and for acting truthful not only to his/her students, but also to other colleagues and his/herself. This value is important in teaching because without honesty your students will not be able to trust you which is an important part of teaching. Honesty will help you in the future to become the best teacher you can be.

4  Having passion is important for a health and physical educator because if you are not going to show desire for something you love than your students will not either. A health and physical educator should have enthusiasm towards what they are teaching. If a student sees a teachers yearning for the subjects being taught, it likely the student will become more interested in what is being taught. If you have a strong passion for teaching the students will have a strong passion for learning.

5  Dignity is the quality of being worthy of respect and honor. This is important for a health and physical educator because being respected in the classroom and the gym is a big part of teaching and by having your dignity will give you the strength to make sure you are respected and honored. Having this quality as a teacher makes you a strong role model in for your students.

6  Respect is also an important part of being a health and physical educator. As a teacher you should not only be receiving respect but also giving it. You should respect your students just as they should respect you. If you give a student respect they will respect you in return. As a teacher you should be taking care of yourself as well as your students. If your students are not respectful to you your classroom will never be safe or composed. You should always respect yourself and the people you have become a leader to.

7  Work ethic is a set of values founded on the ethical qualities of hard work and diligence. A quality of every health and physical educator is being promoted by hard work. Being able to work hard for something that you are very passionate about is a quality of a good teacher. Having work ethic in your life will push you as a teacher and will help you rise to the top in the future.

8  Having confidence in your students and your colleagues is important for a health and physical educator. Staying loyal and trustworthy in the classroom will show your passion for teaching. Trusting your students will give them all of the more reason to trust you as a teacher. This is an important quality in a teacher.

9  If a teacher has no work ethic the students will not have any work ethic either. Each time a teacher seems like they do not want to be there a student will lose their interest. In the classroom a teacher should always be enthusiastic and driven by what they are teaching. Showing the students how to work hard as a teacher will show students that working hard will get you somewhere in life. By doing this students will most likely be interested in what you are teaching. This is an example of how work ethic should be tied into the classroom.

10  During class time a student may not always want to be there. Not every student likes school which is why it is a teachers job to change their minds. Having passion for what you are teaching will give the students passion to learn. If a student is not interested in what you are teaching it is your job to get them interested. An example of this is to make things fun so that every student can learn but can also have a good time learning. Keep things interesting and exciting because this will keep students wanting more.  Having your students be able to trust you is a big part of teaching. Always be honest with your students, answer their questions with truthfulness. The first time a student catches you lying or breaking their trust is when they will lose all respect for you. As the students begin to trust you as a teacher more and more it is very likely you will be able to trust them as well.

11  Incorporating these into your every day classroom settings is the biggest part of this code of ethics. All of these values tie in with each other; losing one risks losing another. By following this code of ethics you will become not only a great teacher, but a great person as well.

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