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Journal How might have Muhammad’s upbringing influenced his later life as a prophet?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal How might have Muhammad’s upbringing influenced his later life as a prophet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal How might have Muhammad’s upbringing influenced his later life as a prophet?

2 Islam day 2 11.13

3 Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus Adam  Muhammad Sunna Divine teachings of Qur’an and actions and teachings of Muhammad 1. Quran 2. Sunna

4 The Five Pillars Shahada Confession of Faith Prayer (Salat) Early morning, noon, midafternoon, sunset, and evening Facing  Mecca Fasting (Sawm) Ramadan

5 Five Pillars CTD. Wealth Sharing (Zakat) Alms-giving, 2.5% Acts of Charity Pilgrimage (Hajj) Mecca

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