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Made by: Aleksey Kalintsev, EFL Institute, the Department of Gothic Languages and their Teaching Methodology, the Third course, group A. Teacher: V.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by: Aleksey Kalintsev, EFL Institute, the Department of Gothic Languages and their Teaching Methodology, the Third course, group A. Teacher: V.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by: Aleksey Kalintsev, EFL Institute, the Department of Gothic Languages and their Teaching Methodology, the Third course, group A. Teacher: V.A. Kruchkov.

2 Teaching - an ancient, sacred and great profession. Teaching - a very complicated process. To teach - to educate, to bring up, but not only this.

3 to teach how to live === giving stupid pieces of advice about life and saying that you are the only person who knows how to live in this world. Teaching - giving knowledge about life. to teach how to live === to share your life experience with your pupils and students.



6 Authoritarian pedagogics Aim: stuffing knowledge into children’s minds. Object: a biological creature named Homo sapiens’ young one. Humane pedagogics Aim: developing of an educated personality. Object: a human being’s child.

7 Authoritarian teachers communicate with their students in a way of orders. They ruin children’s personalities. Humane teachers understand students, their thoughts and wishes. They try to explain this or that fact in the most proper way.

8 Teacher To be a great Teacher one should have an inborn genius. the ideal of Humane Pedagogue It is more difficult for a person to achieve the ideal of Humane Pedagogue without the inborn gift. A great Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches the heart.

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