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Editorial Writing The editorial is the official stance of The Paw Print.

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Presentation on theme: "Editorial Writing The editorial is the official stance of The Paw Print."— Presentation transcript:

1 Editorial Writing The editorial is the official stance of The Paw Print.

2 An editorial  Expresses the newspaper’s feelings  Generally is decided by polling of the editorial board (which we do not have)  Our principal is the editorial board and decides what goes in the paper and what gets pulled  Possible stances are argued  Position is taken

3 So, we write commentaries not editorials - Criticize or Attack?  If you criticize you better have suggestions for change  If you attack you must be very sure of your charges

4 Defend  Stand up for someone or something that is under attack by society  Can you give an example of something under attack in the public school systems?  Can you give an example of something under attack at CeVMS?

5 Endorse  You must give solid reasons why the staff of The Paw Print feels the way they do.

6 Instigate, Advocate or Appeal  Crusade is to encourage The Paw Print staff to collaborate forces for a common cause.  Advocate is to put out suggestions that are argued by a larger group.  Appeal is to encourage people to see it your way.

7 Entertain?  An editorial should have a meaningful point and be written about something that is worth the reader’s time.

8 Predict  Support your predictions with facts

9 So, how should a commentary be written?  Don’t preach – State the problem  Get the reader’s attention with an introduction – position the problem  Persuade the reader in the body of your article – support the position  Prompt the reader into action with your conclusion – Who’s affected and how  Solutions – give at least two

10 Ideas for Commentaries  Foodies – Why we need a Culinary Arts elective  Pet Peeves –  Put Your Game Face On – Why don’t we play football games on our field?  Advisory – Do we need it?  Bell Schedule – Should we extend our school day or have fewer electives?  What makes a great teacher

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