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Notable Psychologists. Who is he? Why is he important?

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Presentation on theme: "Notable Psychologists. Who is he? Why is he important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Notable Psychologists

2 Who is he? Why is he important?

3 Wilhem Wundt Established psychology as a science started a lab for psychology

4 Who is he? Why is he important to psychology?

5 Hint: see image above

6 William James was the 1st president of APA-American Psychological Association He wrote the first psychology textbook!

7 studied under Wundt & James 1st psychological lab in U.S. G. Stanley Hall “the great teacher” for doctoral students in psychology: taught 30/54 Ph.D. students by 1898

8 Mary Whiton Calkins What do you notice about this picture? Write down your educated guess. Hint?

9 most famous for.... 1st woman president of APA, American Psychological Association doing coursework at Harvard, yet not earning a degree

10 Who is she? Why is she important?

11 Dorrtheia Dix addressed needs of mentally ill

12 Dorothea Dix reformer

13 Margaret Floy Washburn 1st woman to be awarded a Ph.D. (6 years of work after college)

14 Who is this? Why is he important to psychology?

15 Charles Darwin It’s same gentleman as previous slide. Make your guesses now with reasons!

16 Who is this? Why is he important to psychology?

17 Hint: a couch Freud

18 introduced talk therapy defense mechanisms psychoanalytic theory

19 Who is he? Why is he important? Make a guess now!

20 The outcome of successful therapy with Rogers: “I finally felt that I simply had to begin doing what I wanted to do, not what I thought I should do, and regardless of what other people feel I should do. This is a complete reversal of my whole life. I’ve always felt that I had to do things because they were expected of me, or more important, to make people like me....I think from now on I’m going to just be me….” Carl Rogers Humanistic Therapy ories%20of%20Carl%20Rogers.htm


22 Who is he? Why is he important?

23 Jean Piaget Developmental Psychology

24 What do you see?

25 How do we group items?

26 "I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of colour. Do I have "327"? No. I have sky, house, and trees." --Max Wertheimer

27 Max Wertheimer Gestalt psychology

28 Who is he? Why is he important?

29 Ivan Pavlov learning theories Make your guesses now!

30 Ivan Pavlov: Learning

31 Who is he? Why is he important?

32 Hint!

33 Hint: Jo Frost of Supernanny uses his ideas.

34 B. F. Skinner-- rewards/ punishments

35 What do you think is happening in the photo? Little Albert

36 Watson: association

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