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Access and Resources Title I School Improvement Grant Writing Workshop October 10, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Access and Resources Title I School Improvement Grant Writing Workshop October 10, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access and Resources Title I School Improvement Grant Writing Workshop October 10, 2012

2 The WV Growth Model: Our Purpose To provide an answer to a few common questions: 1.“How much did my student grow this year?” 2.“What does this growth mean compared to everyone else?” 3.“Is it enough growth?” What do these three questions have in common? Information about students What do these three questions have in common? Information about students

3 Does the WV Growth Model Fit Our Needs? PriorityModel “Fit” 1.Meet the personal needs of each student 1.Student data more reflective of a student’s story and history 2.Elevate the importance of great teachers and learning 2.Data in the hands of teachers about learning (beyond growth) 3.Make the improvement of public education a moral imperative of all stakeholders 3.Making data more accessible to change conversations? That’s dependent on us… 4.Accelerate innovation and transform schools to address Global21 demands 4.Maximizing the uses of the data that we currently use

4 Status vs. Growth Before growth, let’s review terms Status: A snapshot measure of a single point in time – “Proficiency” Growth: Multiple snapshots across many points in time

5 Status vs. Growth A Balanced Approach Low GrowthHigh Growth Quadrant 2 High achieving but potentially declining: previously unrecognized under status model Quadrant 1 High achievement and growth: A potential site of interest for best practices Quadrant 3 Low achievement and growth: Legitimately requires improvement Quadrant 4 Low achieving but improving: previously unrecognized under the current status model. May be a potential site of interest for best practices. High Performing (Status) Low Performing (Status)

6 Measuring Growth: A Primer Uses all available data to answer three questions: Am I proficient? How much did I grow? Is it enough growth? The WV Growth Model yields: Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) What are SGPs? How much did students grow compared to everyone else? Think height and rate of growth

7 What is a Student Growth Percentile? Given (3 things): A student’s prior scale scores Academically similar students Current scale score A student’s current scale score represents a percentile of growth – a Student Growth Percentile Think of it as the probability of a student’s current achievement based on their past achievement: Pr(Current Achievement|Past Achievement) Growth percentiles describe the probability/rarity of a student’s current achievement based upon their prior achievement.

8 Measuring Growth: A Primer What is the likelihood of current (and future) performance given past performance? Based on students who have similar academic histories (academic cohort) Uses all available data to answer those three prior questions: Am I proficient? (Status) How much did I grow? (SGPs) Is it enough growth? (Growth to Standard)

9 Our Growth Options (Primer, cont’d) How much growth? – Starts with the student. Can be aggregated to drive school conversations Low Growth (bad surprises) Typical Growth (a statistical expectation) High Growth (good surprises) Is it enough growth? – Can drive student learning conversations Catching Up Keeping Up Falling Behind

10 Why do we care? Why growth? 4 Driving Questions 1.How much growth did my student exhibit? 2.What does this growth mean? 3.How much growth does my student need to be proficient in the future? 4.How likely is this growth? Student Reports – the primary benefit of the WV Growth Model

11 Available Sources of Data Public Growth Website WVEIS Private Site for District Personnel and Principals WVEIS on the Web (WOW) Principal and Teacher Access

12 Available Reports Student – Individual and Aggregate Grade/School District State

13 Student Reports: Aggregate

14 Student Report – Individual

15 Grade/School Reports: Bubble Plots

16 Grade/School Reports: WVEIS

17 Resources for All Reports

18 Resources and Access to Data District staff Rostered Teachers Principals and School Administrators

19 Rostered Teachers Public Webpage Welcome About the model Sample reports and resources Accessing data Tutorials on how to obtain a WOW login and Password A link to and display of the public growth site for support materials WESTEST 2 Growth Model App for student data access

20 Principals and School Administrators WVEIS Private Site *Growth Model-School link can be found at the bottom of the Data On-Demand page Tutorials on how to obtain a WOW login and Password A link to and display of the public growth site for support materials WESTEST 2 Growth Model App for student data access

21 WVEIS on the WEB

22 WVEIS on the WEB





27 Public Public Webpage Welcome About the model Sample reports and resources Public access to data To be developed over the course of the year.

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