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Geiger Counter Lab – Table 1 Distance(cm) Trial 1 (cpm) Trial 2 (cpm)Average(cpm) Background 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm.

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Presentation on theme: "Geiger Counter Lab – Table 1 Distance(cm) Trial 1 (cpm) Trial 2 (cpm)Average(cpm) Background 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geiger Counter Lab – Table 1 Distance(cm) Trial 1 (cpm) Trial 2 (cpm)Average(cpm) Background 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

2 Geiger Counter Lab Table 2 Trial No Shielding StyrofoamCardboardAluminumGlassCeramic 1 2 Avg You can choose any 5 shielding materials for this part of the lab.

3 Geiger Lab Analysis 1. What were the responding, manipulated and controlled variables in each experiment? 2. For each experiment, prepare a graph using Excel or by hand. Follow the directions in Graphing for Chemistry. Do an X-Y Scatter (line) graph for the 1 st and a bar graph for the 2 nd. 3. What are 2 significant and real sources of error in this lab that you experienced? How do they affect your results?

4 Geiger Lab Conclusions 1. For each experiment: What is the relationship between the manipulated and responding variable. What is the relationship between the manipulated and responding variable. 2. Use numerical data to support your conclusion. 3. How is this knowledge useful to people in industries that use radioactivity like medicine and power plants?

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