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Strategic Planning, Policy, Public Safety, and a Shared Vision for IU’s Regional Campuses.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning, Policy, Public Safety, and a Shared Vision for IU’s Regional Campuses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning, Policy, Public Safety, and a Shared Vision for IU’s Regional Campuses

2 Office of the Vice President for University Regional Affairs, Planning, and Policy Three broad areas— I.Academic Affairs II.Public Safety III.Planning, Policy, and University Initiatives

3 The Whole and the Parts Indiana University is strengthened by strong individual campuses and schools, and each campus is strengthened by a strong university and strong campuses and schools.

4 The Whole and the Parts Success in managing the intersections requires: A strong, widely understood sense of internal direction and a shared vision of the enterprise. Clear internal communication, cooperation, coordination, and organizations that facilitate those qualities. Responsiveness to external stakeholders and aggressive efforts to help them understand what we do and why. Communication is central.

5 I. Academic Affairs: Overarching Approach To be one of the great universities of the 21 st century, the engines of the university—its campuses and schools—must be empowered to expect and achieve excellence.

6 Academic Affairs: Overarching Approach Strengths can be enhanced and efficiencies achieved through choices about individual vs. collective Must articulate and defend IU’s standards of quality in a challenging environment Must be true to our claims of excellence—in a diverse university excellence has many meanings

7 Academic Affairs: Areas of Focus Statewide academic relations and University academic affairs A shared vision for IU’s regional campuses University faculty relations University Institutional Research and Reporting Student Enrollment Services FACET

8 Statewide Academic Initiatives Relations with ICHE, Statehouse, DoE, Education Roundtable, and other external bodies University-wide academic policies, degree and program approval, promotion and tenure process

9 Regional Campuses: The Challenges Widespread lack of understanding of the regionals’ collective scale and critical importance in meeting the state’s needs IU’s regional campuses are pressured to get more under-prepared, under- resourced, demanding students in and through the university faster, with less money and more competition

10 A Distinct Vision for IU’s Regional Campuses Complement existing efforts of each campus: Take advantage of shared strengths Advocate for the regional campuses internally and externally Find synergies and efficiencies in regional campus operations Shared Vision for IU’s regional campuses University-level focus on regional campuses: Development Alumni relations Capital projects

11 Blueprint for Student Attainment IU’s regional campuses will provide an educational experience that is: Excellent, distinctive, and nationally competitive Committed to student success—COMPLETION Innovative, flexible, and accessible to a wide range of qualified learners Connected with the educational experiences provided by community colleges and research campuses As affordable as possible Relevant to regional needs

12 Blueprint Process New Directions in Teaching & Learning Expenditure Review Committee Academic Roadmap Project

13 II. Public Safety Assure safe, prepared, resilient, and compliant campuses Encourage “systemness”: Leverage experience, knowledge, resources of each campus for the benefit of all Interoperability: Adopt a uniform approach to common issues—differentiate as needed Realize IU’s capacity to be recognized as a national model in each of these areas

14 Public Safety Priorities Police: Building on strengths Sharing experience Communicating incidents University-wide esprit de corps Emergency Preparedness Risk assessment Planning, preparedness, and organization Communication of plans and instructions Communication of incidents and emergencies

15 Public Safety Priorities Environmental Health and Safety Prevention: practice and communication Culture of compliance Hotspots Compliance Assurance Information Privacy and Security

16 III. Planning, Policy, and University Initiatives Strategic planning and reporting Executive review and recruitment Policy administration Honorary degrees and academic honors University Naming Committee Bicentennial planning

17 Strategic Planning: The Principles of Excellence Internal direction and shared vision IU’s commitment to excellence and sense of momentum Building on many excellent existing strategic plans for campuses, university offices, and schools Elements: Principles and Framework Strategies Initiatives Metrics

18 Policy Administration What policy administration means: Best practices Authority Process—development, vetting Distribution and availability Clarity of expression Not ownership E.g., naming, sponsorships Template Policy on Policies

19 Breakout Sessions Public Safety and Emergency Management Statewide Academic Relations Principles of Excellence University Regional Affairs: The Blueprint for Student Attainment Policies for Sponsorship and Events

20 Conclusion The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. —Aristotle

21 Strategic Planning, Policy, Public Safety, and a Shared Vision for IU’s Regional Campuses

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