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Pre-Columbian history.  Is a region of cultural and historical significance stretching from modern day Central Mexico through Central America.  Mesoamerica:

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Columbian history.  Is a region of cultural and historical significance stretching from modern day Central Mexico through Central America.  Mesoamerica:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Columbian history

2  Is a region of cultural and historical significance stretching from modern day Central Mexico through Central America.  Mesoamerica:  Middle America  Pre-Columbian  Time before European influence in the Americas  Pre-Columbian Civilizations in the area.  Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Aztec

3  By Roughly 6000bce Inhabitants of the area started cultivating plants.  Corn (maize), Squash, Chilis, Beans, Tomatoes, Papaya, guava, etc…  Animals were hard to domesticate in the Americas because of lack of pack animals. Turkey, Dogs, Waterfowl.  Other protein came from hunting Deer, Rabbits, Birds, gathering insects.

4  Rivers and lakes were scattered around the region. Not as dependent as other civilizations.  Mountains also separate cultural and agricultural subcultures.  Coniferous Forest, Tropical Rain Forest, Mountain ranges, among the biomes.

5  Pre-Columbian Society located in South Central Mexico.  1200-1000 BCE  Two groups Elite-small urban centers Common people- Rural Areas  Elite lived off the common people’s agriculture Carried out religious ceremonies  The civilization dissolved in 300bce and was absorbed by future civilizations.

6  City-State that flourished between 200- 750 CE.  Today is home to famous ruins with great architecture.  At one time the largest city in Pre- Columbian History. 100,000+ inhabitants  Inhabitants were of many different ethnicities and cultures.


8  Please follow Mr. S’ directions  What does migration mean? How and when did people migrate to the Americas?  Describe the Geography of the Americas. Differently  Describe the Native Americans of the Great Plains.

9  Only Pre-Columbian society to have a full written language.  Had complex astronomy, mathematical, architecture, and art systems much like civilizations around the world.  At it’s peak in 250-900CE One of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the Americas.  Much of the civilization adapted through other cultures through cultural diffusion.

10  Most of the history was rural. Urban settings were important between 300-900 CE  Urbanized Mayan Civilization defined cultural identity. Allowed a defined Mayan cultural identity.  Originally descended from Olmecs.  Improved the accomplishments of the other cultures of the time.

11  A priestly Class lived in the cities.  Most lived in farming villages.  The population lived predominately in rain forest which is hard to cultivate.  Used “Slash and Burn” Techniques  Used a lot of land, and was very labor- intensive.  Maize production was the central economic activity.

12  Accurate calendar that was better than the Europeans at the time.  Independent writing system that used glyphs.  A number system with the concept of zero.  Developed: Chocolate, Vanilla, Cotton, Rubber, Gum, Concrete, geometry, mirrors, toothbrushes.

13  The Aztecs are an urban civilization which centers on it’s capital Tenochtitlan.  Look for a sign and build the city there. Eagle with a snake in it’s mouth.  Located in modern day Mexico city.  Strong military power.  Continuation of the Teotihuacan civilization and culture.

14  Urban society and culture.  City consisted of a large number of priests and crafts people.  Economy was based on trade of essential items and luxuries.  Macehuallas Commoners  Pilli Nobility

15  Describe the Characteristics of the Teotihuacan culture in Mesoamerica. What is a City-State?  What were the accomplishments of the Mayan civilization?  Define Cultural Diffusion. Give examples.

16  Age 15 all male children went to school. Learned history, religion, war and fighting, and a trade. Nobility learned government and religious duties.  Legal system was harsh. Death was the common punishment. It was supported by the community.  People practiced a trade or were involved in agriculture.

17  1519 Spanish led by Hernan Cortes entered the Yucatan region.  Cortes allied with a rival of the Aztecs. Tlaxcala  The Spanish were desperate for goods to bring back to Spain.  Battles continue for many years until 1520 when they lay siege to Tenochtitlan destroying the city and weakening the Empire.


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