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Ch 15, Sec 3: Kingdoms of the Middle Ages

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1 Ch 15, Sec 3: Kingdoms of the Middle Ages

2 Alfred the Great King of England in the late A.D. 800s
United small groups of Anglo-Saxons to fight Viking invaders New kingdom was named “Angleland”=England Strong leader for 30 years

3 William the Conqueror Ruler of Normandy (France)
Cousin to King Edward of England who died Wanted to take Edward’s throne

4 Battle of Hastings 1066 A.D. William the Conqueror landed in England with knights William won/became King of England

5 William as King of England
Anglo-Saxons (English people) hated him/revolted often Gave land to Norman (French) knights to control the Anglo-Saxons Cultures merged Ideas on how to run the gov’t Learned new languages Sheriffs kept order Wedding ceremonies blended

6 Henry II English king 1154-1189 Set up a court system
Set up a common law for everybody Used juries for the first time Grand jury-decided if people should be accused of a crime Trial jury-decided if people were guilty or innocent

7 King John (Henry’s son)
Became England’s king in 1199 Raised taxes Punished people without a trial Forced to sign the Magna Carta Means “Great Charter”

8 Magna Carta Took away some of the king’s power
King could not collect taxes without permission Freemen had the right to a fair trial by a jury Established the idea that people have rights Limited the power of the government

9 King Edward I of England
1200 A.D. Gathered people together to create a Parliament Made decisions together on important issues “representative government”

10 Parliament Original Plan: Second Plan: 2 knights
2 people from every town All high-ranking nobles/church officials Second Plan: Two houses House of Lords-high ranking nobles/church officials House of Commons-Knights/townspeople

11 Philip II of France King from 1180-1223
Went to war with England to get French lands from English control Gained power/control for France in Europe

12 Philip IV of France King from 1284-1314
Wanted a representative government Met with the Estates-General 3 groups of people: First Estate-priests Second Estate-Nobles Third Estate-townspeople/peasants

13 Eastern Europe Divided in three groups
1. Southern Slavs-Croats, Serbs, and Bulgarians 2. Western Slavs-Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks 3. Eastern Slavs-Eukrainians, Belorussians, and Russians

14 Slavs Farmers Chopped down forests and burned the trees to fertilize the land Planted barley, rye, and flax Were invaded by Vikings (called the Rus) in the 700s AD

15 Oleg Viking leader in 900 A.D. Led from the city of Kiev
Took control of all 3 groups of Slavs United the groups into what is today Russia

16 Mongols Attacked Kiev/Russia All major cities were destroyed
Killed many people Forced Russian rulers to pay tribute

17 Rise of Moscow Grand Dukes of Moscow:
Married the daughters of rulers from other lands Fought wars to get more territory Collected taxes for Mongols=more power

18 Ivan IV Grand duke in 1462 Built big palaces/churches in Moscow
Started calling himself Czar Ivan IV Defeated the Mongols/kicked them out of Russia Started expanding his empire north and west

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