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Matlab Programming for Engineers

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1 Matlab Programming for Engineers
Introduction to Matlab Matlab Basics Branching Statements Loops User Defined Functions Additional Data Types Input/Output Functions Simulink Toolbox Important Toolboxes (if time is available) Dr. Bashir NOURI

2 Logical Arrays and Vectorization The Matlab Profiler
OBJECTIVES The while Loop The for Loop Logical Arrays and Vectorization The Matlab Profiler

3 THE while LOOP Structure:
The Code Block is repeated until the expression is false. If it is false, the program executes the first statement after the end.

4 THE while LOOP Example: Write a program that calculates the average, and the standard deviation, for a set of values (X), entered by the user.

5 THE while LOOP Solution:

6 THE while LOOP Solution (modified):

7 THE while LOOP Solution (modified):

8 Repeats a block of statements (Body) specified number of times.
THE for LOOP Structure: Repeats a block of statements (Body) specified number of times. Legal Examples: Matlab generates an array by evaluating this expression column by column.

9 THE for LOOP Legal Examples:

10 THE for LOOP Example (The Factorial Function): N! = N * (N-1) * (N-2) * … * 3 * 2 * 1

11 THE for LOOP Example (The Factorial Function): N! = N * (N-1) * (N-2) * … * 3 * 2 * 1

12 THE for LOOP Example, calculating the day of year:

13 THE for LOOP Example: Use THE for LOOP to calculate the average and standard deviation for any (n) values (modify the previous while program).

14 THE for LOOP Details of operation: Indent the bodies of loops (automatically done in Matlab). Don’t modify the loop index within the body of a loop. Preallocating arrays. recall: arr = 1:4; arr(7) = 8;  arr == [ ]. (i.e. Matlab automatically extend/change the size of the array. It is better to preallocate the array before THE for LOOP to make the program much more faster.

15 Details of operation: (4. Vectorizing Arrays)
THE for LOOP Details of operation: (4. Vectorizing Arrays) Faster

16 THE for LOOP The break and continue Statements: The break statement terminates the execution of a loop and passes control to the next statement after the end of the loop, example:

17 The break and continue Statements:
THE for LOOP The break and continue Statements: The continue statement terminates the current step of the loop and return the control to the top of the loop, example: continue

18 THE for LOOP Nesting Loops: ii jj product Output

19 Different loop index variables
THE for LOOP Nesting Loops: Different loop index variables ii jj product Output

20 THE for LOOP Nesting Loops: The break/continue statements they apply to the current loop, example:

21 Logical array and vectorization:
THE for LOOP Logical array and vectorization: Double array Logical array

22 Logical array and vectorization:
THE for LOOP Logical array and vectorization: Logical arrays can serve as a mask for arithmetic operations. The specified operation will be applied to the selected elements and not to the remaining elements, example: Will take the square root of all elements for which the logical array b is true and leave all the other elements in the array unchanged

23 Logical array and vectorization: Example 1:
THE for LOOP Logical array and vectorization: Example 1: Calculate the sqrt of all the elements of array (a) > 5. Faster

24 THE for LOOP Logical array and vectorization: Example 2: Calculate the sqrt of all the elements of array (a) > 5, and the square of the remaining (unselected by the previous operation).

25 THE for LOOP The Matlab Profiler: Used to identify the parts of the program that consume most execution time.

26 THE for LOOP The Matlab Profiler:

27 THE for LOOP Example: (Projectile Motion) General equation: When the ball hits the ground

28 THE for LOOP Example: (Projectile Motion) General equation: When the ball hits the ground

29 THE for LOOP Example: (Projectile Motion) General equation: When the ball hits the ground

30 THE for LOOP Example: (Commands and Functions)

31 Home Work Solve the following problems: 4.[16, 19, 21]

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