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NON-THERMAL   DISTRIBUTIONS AND THE CORONAL EMISSION J. Dudík 1, A. Kulinová 1,2, E. Dzifčáková 1,2, M. Karlický 2 1 – OAA KAFZM FMFI, Univerzita Komenského,

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Presentation on theme: "NON-THERMAL   DISTRIBUTIONS AND THE CORONAL EMISSION J. Dudík 1, A. Kulinová 1,2, E. Dzifčáková 1,2, M. Karlický 2 1 – OAA KAFZM FMFI, Univerzita Komenského,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NON-THERMAL   DISTRIBUTIONS AND THE CORONAL EMISSION J. Dudík 1, A. Kulinová 1,2, E. Dzifčáková 1,2, M. Karlický 2 1 – OAA KAFZM FMFI, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava 2 – Astronomický Ústav Akademie Věd ČR, v.v.i., Ondřejov Zářivě MHD Seminář, ASÚ AVČR Ondřejov, 28. 05. 2009


3 Outline I.Solar corona, coronal loops and the coronal heating problem Temperature, density and spatial structure of the corona FIP effect, Coronal heating problem II.  –distributions Why  –distributions? Definition and basic properties Ionization and excitation equilibrium III.TRACE EUV filter responses Definition and construction Synthetic spectrum for the  –distributions Continuum and the missing lines Response as function of temperature and electron density Temperature diagnostic from observations Future work

4 Solar corona  Highest “layer” of the Sun’s atmosphere  Highly structured: – in white-light: coronal streamers (radial and helmet) – in EUV and X-rays: coronal loops, coronal holes, brightenings (open and closed structures) I.

5 Solar corona - properties  Hot and tenuous plasma (Edlén, 1943) T cor  10 6 – 10 7 Kn e,cor  10 8 – 10 10 cm –3  highly ionized, frozen-in approximation  optically thin (collisional excitation, spontaneous emission)  Anisotropy – multitemperature corona 171 (1 MK) 195 (1.5 MK) 284 (2 MK)

6 Coronal EUV emission  Emissivity  ij of a spectral line line – transition from the level i to level j in a k- times ionized element x is given by:  Coronal abundances of elements with lower first ionization potential lower than 10 eV are significantly higher than photospheric abundances – FIP effect

7 Coronal heating problem  Corona is ~ 100-times hotter than the upper chromosphere, and is significantly less dense  In the absence of an energy source, the corona would cool down during ~ 10 1 hours due to the radiative losses  Coronal heating problem (might be a paradoxical misnomer: chromospheric heating & coronal loops filling problem)  The only way to identify the heating mechanism is to study the coronal emission

8  distributions: whyII.  Study the emission = need to know the microphysics  Suprathermal component (“high-energy tail”) present during flares and also in solar wind  Some emission line ratios are not consistent with the assumption of Maxwellian (thermal) distribution  Owocki & Scudder (1983): two-parametric distribution characterized by parameters  and T, enables to explain the observed O VII / O VIII line ratios  Maksimovic et al. (1997): solar wind velocity distribution is better approximated by one  distribution than with one or sum of two Maxwellians  Collier (2004): if the mean particle energy is not held constant, the entropy is not maximalized by a Maxwellian distribution.  If the order of the mean energy conserved is, entropy is maximalized by the  distribution

9  distributions: definition Owocki & Scudder (1983), Dzifčáková (2006a):   Maxwellian distribution  

10 Fe Ionization equilibrium Dzifčáková (2002): Changes in the Fe IX – XVI ionization equilibrium for the  distributions with respect to Maxwellian one are significant:

11 Fe XV excitation equilibrium Dzifčáková (2006a): Changes in the exictation equilibrium for  distributions with respect to Maxwellian one are dependent on the collisional cross-section, type of transition and the energy of the transition

12 Synthetic spectra  CHIANTI (Dere a kol., 1997; Landi a kol., 2006) version 5.2 – free atomic database and software for computation of synthetic spectra in UV and X-ray spectral domain  Dzifčáková (2006b; 2009, in preparation): Modification of the CHIANTI database and software to compute the synthetic spectra for the non- thermal distributions  Ionization equilibrium only for C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni  No continuum  Should be available in the next version of CHIANTI

13 Filter response to emission  optically thin environment – integral along the line-of-sight l  f ( ) – filter + instrument transmssivity (instrumental spectral response)  G(,T,n e,  ) – contribution function  log 10 (EM) = 27 [cm –5 ] You can compute F with SolarSoft, but many people:  Use wrong abundances (photospherical, not coronal)  Assume of constant pressure, not separate dependence on T and n e  Maxwellian distribution (always)!

14 Continuum + missing ions Dudík a kol. (2009, subm. to A&A) He II 304 Ǻ, log 10 (T) ~ 4,9 Maxwell distribution only


16 F(T, n e,  ) : Width Width of a function? Two ways to define:  FWHM - Full Width at Half–Maximum – find F max a T max – find F max /2 and corresponding T 1, T 2 ; FWHM = T 2 – T 1  Equivalent width W : Area divided by the maximum value

17 F(T, n e,  ) : Width, T max shift

18 Dependence on n e

19 Temperature diagnostic


21 Future work  XRT (X-rays): higher temperature span, unambiguous determination of T by the CIFR method (Reale et al., 2007)  Continuum important in X-ray spectral domain  There are no works dealing on the X-ray continuum for non-thermal distributions  If its not important, we’ll try to do the XRT filter responses

22 Summary  Conditions in solar corona allow for non-thermal distributions.  distribution is a likely candidate  Emission is the only way to study the environment: careful analysis is needed if the coronal heating problem is to be constrained  Filter responses are strongly dependent on the assumed distribution: wider range of observed T !


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