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WP3 – Task 3.6 Surface drifters Author: Pierre Blouch (EUMETNET) Date: 10 th June 2015 Version:1.0.

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1 WP3 – Task 3.6 Surface drifters Author: Pierre Blouch (EUMETNET) Date: 10 th June 2015 Version:1.0

2 Surface drifters Surface drifters From May 17th to June 2 nd, 2015 Eumetnet barometer buoys Non-Eumetnet barometer buoys Non barometer buoys

3 What are surface drifters? SVP global network Lagrangian buoy (fitted with a drogue centered at 15-metre depth) Part of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) One of the component of GOOS (taget of 1,250 drifters met) Managed by the Global Drifter Programme of JCOMM/DBCP) Dropped by any kind of ships (from up to 10-metre high, 18 knots) Real-time data transmission onto the GTS (WIS) => GEOSS compliant Several operators in the world: Eumetnet/E-SURFMAR in Europe SVP drifter family Basic SVP (SST, “surface current” (15 metres)) SVP-B (same, plus sea level pressure). The most common drifter now. => essential to numerical weather analysis SVP-BS (SVP-B fitted with a conductivity sensor) SVP-BW (SVP-B fitted with wind measurement capabilities) SVP-BTC (SVP-B fitted with a thermistor string)

4 Network improvement in South Atlantic Proposed deployments –In Guinea and Angola Basins where a lack of buoys is obvious –Budget allows to purchase/deploy about 13 buoys per year thanks to MSC container carriers operating between Le Havre and Cape Town –Drifters will be standard SVP-B similar to those operated by E-SURFMAR in North Atlantic –First deployment (4 buoys) occurred on last mid-April –Coordination with NOAA and Met Office to avoid duplication in deployments –Sustainability of the network possibly borne by EUMETNET after the 4-year period Moored buoys Existing drifters (August 2014) AtlantOS drifters (plans)

5 Development of new salinity drifters jhjh –jhj –lklkl Evaluation by CNRS

6 Study of drifters fitted with thermistor strings These drifters may fill a gap up in sea temperature measurements (EOV) SVP-BTC Drifter Initial proposal –was to improve existing SVP-BTC drifters made by a SME partner: Marlin-Yug (Ukrain) –Unfortunately, Marlin-Yug being now a Russian company, it can no longer be an AtlantOS partner –Satellites sample the sea temperature with a good accuracy and good spatial and temporal resolutions but… in surface only –Argo floats measure temperatures in depth but with a too poor temporal resolution for air-sea interaction sudies Revised proposal –Evaluation study by CNRS, of existing buoys fitted with a thermistor string

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