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Class Discussion: “anyone in a pretty how town” e.e. cummings.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Discussion: “anyone in a pretty how town” e.e. cummings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Discussion: “anyone in a pretty how town” e.e. cummings

2 What the discussion should look like: -The discussion will be facilitated by Ms. Currier-but YOU will be doing all of the talking - Each group will get together for one final meeting time to go over their thoughts from last week - Each group needs to come up with one or two open ended question to pose to the rest of the class (Have a group member write down the questions) -As a class we will have a discussion about that question. All MUST participate and be active members- I will be assessing your participation!

3 Should We Ban A Poets’ Biography and/ or their Historical Context from Poetry Magazines?

4 The heated debate: - A poem is as much a window into the soul of the reader as it is into the soul of a writer -In our class we talk about how reading a poem is a process, where there can be more than one interpretation of one poem. - Does having background information on an author of a poem force the reader to have only one reading of a poem? OR

5 The heated debate: - Does reading some background information on an author help you to understand the context of the poem?

6 Debate: Please think about this debate for 2 minutes and jot down some of your ideas. Choose one side to argue. Should a Poets’ Biography and/or Historical Context be Banned from Poetry Magazines?

7 Once you have chosen your side: - Share your opinions with fellow classmates as to why you have you chosen that side of the argument. - We will then have a discussion with both sides on why the specific sides were chosen. (If your opinion begins to change you can move to different sides of the horseshoe)

8 Challenging Your Thinking: - Read (using the reading process) “ The Charge of the Light Brigade ” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Use the response notes on the side to come up with an interpretation of this poem WITHOUT any information on Lord Tennyson or the time period he is writing in (look at repetitions, personification, Biblical references…) - After you have come up with your own interpretation of the poem; - Re-read the poem looking up information on Lord Tennyson (his biography, historical time period ect.)

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