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Day Problems Solve by graphing. Check your solution.

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1 Day Problems Solve by graphing. Check your solution.
y = x y = 1 y = -2x y = x Graph each system. Tell whether the system has one solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions. 3. y = 2x y = -3x + 1 y = 2x – y = 3x + 7

2 7.2 Solving Systems Using Substitution
Another method for solving systems of equations is the substitution method. By replacing one variable with an equivalent expression containing the other variable, you can create a one-variable equation that you can solve.

3 Using Substitution Solve using substitution. y = -4x + 8 y = x + 7
Step 1 – Write an equation containing only one variable, and solve it. x + 7 = -4x + 8 +4x x 5x + 7 = 8 5x = 1 x = 0.2

4 Using Substitution Solve using substitution. y = -4x + 8 y = x + 7
Step 2 – Solve for the other variable in either equation. y = y = 7.2 Since x = 0.2 and y = 7.2, the solution is (0.2 , 7.2) CHECK 7.2 = -4(0.2) + 8 7.2 = 7.2

5 Using Substitution and the Distributive Property
Solve using the substitution method. 3y + 2x = 4 -6x + y = -7 Step 1 – Solve the second equation for y because it has a coefficient of 1. y = 6x – 7 Step 2 – Write an equation containing only one variable and solve. 3(6x – 7) + 2x = 4 18x – x = 4 20x – 21 = 4 20x = 25 x = 1.25

6 Using Substitution and the Distributive Property
Solve using the substitution method. 3y + 2x = 4 -6x + y = -7 Step 3 - Solve for the other variable in either equation. -6(1.25) + y = -7 y = -7 y = 0.5 Since x = 1.25 and y = 0.5, the solution is (1.25 , 0.5).

7 More Practice!!! Textbook – p. 350 #2 – 16 all
Homework – Worksheet 7.1

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