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ESP Leadership 101 Presented by: Graham Cochran, ESP 2 nd Vice President Bob Ohlensehlen, ESP National Executive Director Updated Annually by Second Vice.

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Presentation on theme: "ESP Leadership 101 Presented by: Graham Cochran, ESP 2 nd Vice President Bob Ohlensehlen, ESP National Executive Director Updated Annually by Second Vice."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESP Leadership 101 Presented by: Graham Cochran, ESP 2 nd Vice President Bob Ohlensehlen, ESP National Executive Director Updated Annually by Second Vice President for Chapter Relations and National Executive Director Updated October 2015

2 ESP Leadership 101

3 Session Objectives Chapter leaders will: 1.Explore ESP history, mission, & current strategy 2.Connect with ESP National leadership, support, & communication 3.Discuss key aspects of strong ESP Chapters, chapter leaders, & resources to support your work 4.Dialogue about your work as a chapter leader

4 ESP - Who We Are Epsilon Sigma Phi, the Extension Professionals’ Organization –Bozeman, Montana, in 1927 –incorporated May 22, 1930. 41 active chapters –Hawaii to Alaska In 2015 –2,347 annual members –2,983 life members –5,330 total

5 ESP Mission The Extension Professionals’ Organization Mission To foster standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension profession and professional

6 ESP Strategic Plan 2016-18 #1 – Play a critical role in positively shaping tomorrow’s Extension system #2 – Foster excellence in the Extension professional through professional development & leadership opportunities #3 – Cultivate a strong, relevant ESP organization

7 ESP National Leadership Team Ann Berry, President Jeff Myers, Past President Patricia Dawson, President Elect Graham Cochran, 2nd Vice President

8 National Leadership Team Regional Vice Presidents Elaine Bailey, NE Peggy Compton, NC Dan Culbert, S Donna Gillespie, W Bob Ohlensehlen, Executive Director

9 ESP National Support & Communication Regional Vice Presidents National Office Communication –Bi-Monthly Newsletter –Email Blasts to membership –Email Blasts to chapter leaders –Individual contacts chapter leaders Member services –Scholarship & grant applications –Recognition application process

10 Strong Chapters… Are the heart of ESP’s Mission

11 Strong Chapters have… Constitution/By-Laws Dedicated Leadership –President –President-Elect –Secretary –Treasurer –Past President Planned leadership transition

12 Strong Chapters have… Membership Recruitment and Retention plan Recognition Programs Scholarship and Grant programs Regular Communication with members –Chapter Newsletter –ESP Connections –Facebook/Website

13 Strong Chapters have… Regular Leadership Communication –Email –Conference calls –Face to face meetings –Social media Identified and Developed New Leaders Engaged Life Members Active committees

14 ESP Committees  Member Recruitment and Retention  Scholarships, Grants and Recognition  Professional Development  Public Issues  Global Relations  Resource Development and Management  Marketing  Local Committees as Desired/Needed

15 Chapter Sponsored Professional Development  What professional development has your Chapter offered recently? Strong Chapters have…

16 Chapter Annual Planning & How Are We Doing? Chapter Handbook Chapter self-evaluation (in handbook) Chapter of Merit – use as a planning tool

17 Key Items for Chapter Leaders Staying Connected… Regional VPs & Communication Update Chapter Officers regularly at the ESP Website espnational.orgESP Website Jan 31 - Submit Chapter Reports February – JCEP Leadership Conference May 1 - Chapter of Merit May 1 - Achievement in Membership October – National Conference

18 Strong chapters take advantage of opportunities for annual and life members nationally…

19 National Committees & National Board National Committees –1 year term – must reapply –Monthly teleconferences & national meeting –$200 stipend National Board – Regional VP (2 yr term) –NC & South Needed –April 1 deadline for applicants National Board – Regional VP (4 yr term) –Regional VP – South Needed –April 1 deadline for applicants

20 Participate in Leadership Opportunities JCEP Leadership Conference –$500/chapter to support delegates Public Issues Leadership Development –Competitive scholarships ($600) National ESP Conference –Professional Presentations (Registration) –Committee Members ($200) –National Council Delegates ($200) –Redinger Admin/Leaders Scholarship ($500)

21 Chapter Leaders & Recognition Program State SGR Committee Support Familiarity with regional and national awards Online system – option for state awards; required for regional/national award Important deadlines (March 1 for nominations) MORE? SGR Webinar this fall Nov 13, 3-4 p.m. Eastern

22 Chapter Leaders & Scholarships Familiarity with scholarship opportunities Support for promotion Online system for applications Important deadlines –December 1 –March 1 –May 1 State president letter of support needed

23 Important Dates for Chapter Leaders Dec 1 – Apps for scholarships & grants Jan 31 – Chapter reports online Feb 1 – Membership & dues due February 10-11 – JCEP Leadership Conf March 1 – scholarships; recognition nominations April 1 – National committee and officer apps May 1 – Scholarships; chapter of merit & achievement due May 15 – voting for recognition & national offices August 1 – Delegate registration October 23-27 – National Conference

24 Web Site Resources to Support Chapters ESP Handbook Links to Local Chapters, National Board and National Office Forms Strategic Plans and Reports Personal and Professional Development Opportunities Calendar of Upcoming Events and Deadlines

25 The ESP Website Your Source For Important Information

26 Other Chapter Resources  ESP National Office  ESP Calendar of Dates  Permanent & Historical Record of Membership and Chapter.  Computer Data Files  Chair of Membership Recruitment and Retention and Regional Vice President  Chapter Reports and Websites

27 Questions?

28 ESP The Extension Professionals’ Organization 3 Strategic Goals #1 – Play a critical role in positively shaping tomorrow’s Extension system #2 – Foster excellence in the Extension professional through professional development & leadership opportunities #3 – Cultivate a strong, relevant ESP organization

29 Summary… ESP – Rich history and looking to the future, continued support for Extension system and professionals ESP National leadership team and office – here to support your work Strong ESP Chapters and chapter leaders

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