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Minelli Weiland EDUC 5541 Gagne’s Conditions and Events of Learning Contemporary Learning Theory 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Minelli Weiland EDUC 5541 Gagne’s Conditions and Events of Learning Contemporary Learning Theory 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5541 Gagne’s Conditions and Events of Learning Contemporary Learning Theory 2008-2009

2 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5542 Expectation We will be able to describe Gagne’s nine (9) events of learning and create a lesson demonstrating how these events could be implemented within an instructional setting.

3 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5543 Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction “Organization is the hallmark of effective instructional materials”. Robert Gagne 1916-present

4 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5544 Gagne’s Theoretical Background Robert Gagne is best known for his learning outcomes, learning conditions, and his nine events of instruction. Gagne’s theory should be classified as instructional theory as opposed to a learning theory. –A learning theory consists of a set of propositions and constructs that account for how changes in human performance abilities come about. –On the other hand, an instructional theory seeks to describe the conditions under which one can intentionally arrange for the learning of specific performance outcomes.

5 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5545 Gagne’s Theoretical Orientation Gagne’s instructional theory tends to side with behavioristic principles (teacher-centered approach) because of emphasis on outcomes/behaviors that result from instruction. Results of learning are measurable through testing Drill, practice, and immediate feedback are effective. Influenced by cognitive theorists –Information-processing model of learning could be combined with behaviorist concepts (feedback) to provide a more complete view of learning tasks (Molenda, 2002)

6 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5546 Gagne’s Theoretical Orientation (Cont’d) In his view, effective instruction must reach beyond traditional learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism) and provide support to transition from simple to complex skills, thus using an hierarchical model for learning.

7 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5547 Overview of Gagne’s Theories Five major categories of learning outcomes 1)Verbal information or declarative knowledge 2)Intellectual skills 3)Cognitive strategies – memory and problem solving 4)Motor skills 5)Attitudes and internal beliefs

8 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5548 Learning Phases and Instructional Events Category of Learning Preparation for Learning Acquisition and Performance Transfer of Learning Phase of Learning 1.Attending 2.Expectancy 3.Retrieval 4.Selective Perception 5.Semantic Encoding 6.Retrieval and Responding 7.Reinforcement 8.Cueing Retrieval 9.Generalizability

9 Minelli Weiland EDUC 5549 Attending Informing class that it is time to begin, gaining the attention of the class Audio, visuals, film, hook, etc.

10 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55410 Expectancy Informing class of lesson objective, as well as type and quantity of performance to be expected –Establishing performance standard – “how good is good enough”

11 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55411 Retrieval Stimulate recall of prior learning –KWL, brainstorming, discussion question, journal reflection, etc. –Activate information relevant to topic being studied

12 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55412 Selective Perception Present examples of new concept or rule, modeling Recognition of relevant information and transfer to Working Memory (WM)

13 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55413 Semantic Encoding Provide cues to help students remember information, transfer into Long Term Memory (LTM) –Memory strategies, graphics, etc.

14 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55414 Retrieval and Responding Students asked to apply the concept of rule to new example Guided practice Students asked to demonstrate or respond

15 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55415 Reinforcement Provide feedback related to accuracy of student performance and learning –Conferencing, teacher commentary, rubric reflections, etc. –Provides corrective information

16 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55416 Cueing Retrieval Asking students to apply new learning Independent practice –May signal needed prior knowledge in form of hint or reminder

17 Minelli Weiland EDUC 55417 Generalizability Provide students an opportunity to apply the skill in a different content area or context and under different circumstances –Homework, review sessions, etc.

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