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Session 5 March 8, 2011.  Share SCIM-C Experiences, using guiding questions: Julie, Diane, Alan  Activity/Review of Relevant Learning Theories  Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 5 March 8, 2011.  Share SCIM-C Experiences, using guiding questions: Julie, Diane, Alan  Activity/Review of Relevant Learning Theories  Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 5 March 8, 2011

2  Share SCIM-C Experiences, using guiding questions: Julie, Diane, Alan  Activity/Review of Relevant Learning Theories  Discuss strategies/topics for 2 nd SCIM-C strategy session  Reading for next session: “Historical Understanding among Adolescents in a Multicultural Setting” by Peter Seixas

3 …a constructivist view of learning suggests an approach to teaching that gives learners the opportunity for concrete, contextually meaningful experience through which they can search for patterns; raise questions; and model, interpret and defend their strategies and ideas. The classroom in this model is seen as a mini-society, a community of learners engaged in activity, discourse, interpretation, justification, and reflection….teachers assume more of a facilitator’s role and learners take on more ownership of the ideas. Catherine Fosnot (2005)

4  Behaviorism  Cognitivism  Social Learning Theory  Social Constructivism  Multiple Intelligences  Brain-Based Learning

5  Learning is defined by the outward expression of new behaviors  Focuses solely on observable behaviors  A biological basis for learning  Learning is context-independent  Classical & Operant Conditioning  Reflexes (Pavlov’s Dogs)  Feedback/Reinforcement (Skinner’s Pigeon Box)

6  Rewards and punishments  Responsibility for student learning rests solely with the teacher  Lecture-based, highly structured

7  Grew in response to Behaviorism  Knowledge is stored cognitively as symbols  Learning is the process of connecting symbols in a meaningful & memorable way  Studies focused on the mental processes that facilitate symbol connection  Jean Piaget  Genetic Epistemology- the formation and meaning of knowledge and the means by which humans move from a lower to a higher level of knowledge.  Assimilation – the incorporation of new events into cognitive structures  Accommodation – transformation of an already existing structure in response to the environment.  Jerome Bruner  Discovery Learning  Learner as independent problem-solver

8  Inquiry-oriented projects  Opportunities for the testing of hypotheses  Curiosity encouraged  Staged scaffolding

9  Grew out of Cognitivism  A. Bandura (1973)  Learning takes place through observation and sensorial experiences  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery  SLT is the basis of the movement against violence in media & video games

10  Collaborative learning and group work  Modeling responses and expectations  Opportunities to observe experts in action

11  Grew out of and in response to Cognitivism, framed around metacognition  Knowledge is actively constructed  Learning is…  A search for meaning by the learner  Contextualized  An inherently social activity  Dialogic and recursive  The responsibility of the learner  Lev Vygotsky  Social Learning  Zone of Proximal Development

12  Journaling  Experiential activities  Personal focus  Collaborative & cooperative learning

13  Grew out of Constructivism, framed around metacognition  H. Gardner (1983 to present)  All people are born with eight intelligences: verbal linguistic, visual spatial, logical- mathematical, kinesthetic, musical, naturalist, interpersonal, intrapersonal  Enables students to leverage their strengths and purposefully target and develop their weaknesses

14  Grew out of Neuroscience & Constructivism  D. Souza, N. Caine & G. Caine, E. Jensen (1980’s to present)  12 governing principles  1. Brain is a parallel processor  2. Whole body learning  3. A search for meaning  4. Patterning  5. Emotions are critical  6. Processing of parts and wholes  7. Focused attention & peripheral perception  8. Conscious & unconscious processes  9. Several types of memory  10. Embedded learning sticks  11. Challenge & threat  12. Every brain is unique

15 The findings may nevertheless help suggest directions for a pedagogy that incorporates prior understandings of students in multicultural settings. In order to engage family stories, the study of history in schools would have to provide a common ground, with common ground rules, rules of evidence, of interpretation, explicitly taught… Peter Seixas, 1993

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