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10/13/15 Bear Time: Journal – Do people ever express parts of their identities online that they might not express in public? Why and How? Subtitle.

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Presentation on theme: "10/13/15 Bear Time: Journal – Do people ever express parts of their identities online that they might not express in public? Why and How? Subtitle."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/13/15 Bear Time: Journal – Do people ever express parts of their identities online that they might not express in public? Why and How? Subtitle

2 10/14/15 – Bear Time – Free Write ▪ Remember – DO NOTskip pages – even the backs of pages. ▪ Remember – label everything with a title and the date.

3 Practice – Watch the movie trailer and answer the constructed response question in your notebook. Constructed Response Question: Based on the movie trailer, explain the theme of the story. Support your answer with at least two details. Practice Mini – Lesson

4 Practice Restating the Questions Read the instructions first! Writing Workshop – Restating the Question

5 Summary – Restate Conversation – Restate the questions asked in a conversation

6 10/15/15 Bear Time: Journal ▪ It has been said that television has little real educational value. What is your opinion on this issue? State your opinion and support it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.

7 Mini – Lesson PracticePractice – Watch the movie trailer and answer the constructed response question in your notebook.

8 Writing Workshop ▪ Read the article and highlight any relevant details you find. ▪ Answer the constructed response question on a Post – It Note ▪ NO NAMES!!!! ▪ Post up the notes. Read, Highlight, and Respond

9 Summarizary ▪ Read a random Post – It and place it where it goes

10 10/16/15 Bear Time ▪ Should students be able to grade their teachers? ▪ Write your argument for or against. Journal

11 Mini – Lesson Read a random Post – It and place it where it goes

12 Writing Workshop

13 Summarizary

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